ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
389 stars 151 forks source link

Additional warn on #1207

Closed nojaf closed 7 months ago

nojaf commented 7 months ago


๐Ÿค–[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at ad118b4

This pull request improves the code quality, readability, and performance of the FsAutoComplete language server by simplifying and cleaning up various pattern matching expressions, removing unused or redundant parameters, variables, and bindings, updating the FCS dependency, adding a new benchmark, and enabling some compiler warnings. The affected files include SourceText.LineChanges, AbstractClassStubGenerator, AdaptiveExtensions, Commands, CompilerServiceInterface, DocumentationFormatter, FCSPatches, InlayHints, ParseAndCheckResults, State, TypedAstPatterns, UnionPatternMatchCaseGenerator, build/Program.fs, Directory.Build.props, CodeGeneration, Debug, DotnetNewTemplate, Fsdn, and TypedAstUtils.

๐Ÿค–[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at ad118b4

We are the wildcards of the code We simplify the patterns of the mode We remove the bindings of the dead We improve the quality of the shred

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๐Ÿค–[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at ad118b4

I'd like to enable warnings on FS1182. would have been discovered instantly if this was enabled.

baronfel commented 7 months ago

Thanks for doing this code cleanup :)

nojaf commented 7 months ago

Thank you Chester! For everything!