ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
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Add signature files for FSharpLspClient, Parser and UnionPatternMatch… #1213

Closed nojaf closed 6 months ago

nojaf commented 7 months ago



🤖[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at 0f2b5ad

This pull request adds signature files for several modules in the FsAutoComplete and FsAutoComplete.Core projects, which define the interfaces of the LSP client, the command line parser, and the union pattern match case generator. It also removes an unused function from the Parser module and updates the project references accordingly. These changes improve the readability, maintainability, and functionality of the FsAutoComplete server.

🤖[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at 0f2b5ad

The FsAutoComplete server is great It helps F# developers create But it needed some tweaks To improve its techniques So we added some files to update




🤖[deprecated] Generated by Copilot at 0f2b5ad

Played around with --test:GraphBasedChecking and the longest path algorithm in As a result, these were interesting to have signatures for as well.