ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
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Allow signatures to be updated without being open initially #1220

Closed TheAngryByrd closed 5 months ago

TheAngryByrd commented 5 months ago

Previous we were only getting checks for open files in codefixes, this fixes that. So, in the case of UpdateValueInSignatureFile, it wouldn't present the Codefix without the corresponding signature file already open.

Now it will, but it doesn't seem to save the file after the codefix. I think we can fix that later though.

baronfel commented 5 months ago

This is great! As for the codefix-not-saving part, I think that's the status quo, right? Any edits get applied to their document, but the user must still save the file. I wonder if we need something in Ionide proper as some kind of post-apply-codefix handler to ask the editor to save the effected files.

TheAngryByrd commented 5 months ago

As for the codefix-not-saving part, I think that's the status quo, right? Any edits get applied to their document, but the user must still save the file. I wonder if we need something in Ionide proper as some kind of post-apply-codefix handler to ask the editor to save the effected files.

Yeah probably normal. But I know we're gonna get complaints so at least wanted to mention it.