ionide / FsAutoComplete

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F# interactive directives not showing docs once written down, also true for #nowarn, coloring is not conistent (purple?) #1225

Open jkone27 opened 5 months ago

jkone27 commented 5 months ago


not sure if this or ionide is the right repo..

no docs are provided to the user for dotnet interactive directives, like #r, or #i or other directives, it would be useful if all interactive directives are provided to the user or also e.g. in a similar fashion as no-warn already does for example..


only works before writing it down, but when hovering once written, no docs/infos are displayed.


hovering on it does not work after is written down, whilest it would be nice if it could work like open or let, still showing the info to the user:


i think all those should be documented?


jkone27 commented 5 months ago

to add more context, i think #r, like #nowarn, should have purple color. also for some reasons directive tooltips docs/info do not display anymore once they are "filled in" wheras for normal keywords yes