ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
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Enable seamless support for Reference Assemblies #1228

Closed baronfel closed 4 months ago

baronfel commented 4 months ago

This updates the way FSharpProjectOptions are calculated so that they correctly identify and use TargetRefPath instead of TargetPath for the output of a referenced project when applicable. This should have very little impact on the overall behavior of the LSP, but it should enable somewhat of a performance boost due to theoretically the ref assemblies not changing quite as much.

TheAngryByrd commented 4 months ago

Initial tests on my big work project look good.

baronfel commented 4 months ago

Same on my tests - projects that are referenced and have ref assemblies are successfully being passed as compiler options.

baronfel commented 4 months ago

Going to merge this and work on a new release.