ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
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render optional args as `?name: type` instead of `name: option<type>` #1297

Closed dawedawe closed 1 month ago

dawedawe commented 1 month ago

before: Screenshot from 2024-05-17 21-42-57 after: Screenshot from 2024-05-17 21-48-09

We already do this in the status bar of VsCode/Ionide. The line lens is still wrong, but one thing at a time :)

baronfel commented 1 month ago

Looks like we do have a test: FSAC.lsp.Ionide WorkspaceLoader.BackgroundCompiler.tooltip evaluation.tests.tooltip for line 48 character 28 should be 'static member Start: body : (MailboxProcessor<string> -> Async<unit>) * cancellationToken: option<System.Threading.CancellationToken> -> MailboxProcessor<string>' - should be easy to update and then we're good to go!

dawedawe commented 1 month ago

LGTM, but I had a nit and I'd love to see a test to ensure we don't regress this.

Yes, sorry. I tried to come up with a test but expecto and me, man, we are no friends.

dawedawe commented 1 month ago

Hey @baronfel , is there anything still missing here?

baronfel commented 1 month ago

Nope, lovely change! Thank you for sending it!

dawedawe commented 1 month ago

Sure, FSAC is absolutely rocking it!