ionide / FsAutoComplete

F# language server using Language Server Protocol
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Feature request: case-insensitive completion #886

Closed tnishimura closed 2 years ago

tnishimura commented 2 years ago

Whenever I try to autocomplete something in ionide-vim (which talks to FSAC via LanguageClient-neovim), all completion suggestions I get are case-sensitive... in other words, when I type "l" and launch completion, the menu offers 'log', 'log10', 'let', etc. but not 'List', 'Linq', etc.

I couldn't find anything searching for "case" or "sensitivity" in this repository (maybe it's in FSharp.Compiler.Service?). Presumably it is an existing feature somewhere, since case-insensitive search is available as default in VS Code with Ionide, which uses FSAC underneath (right?).

How hard would it be to make this a configurable option?

baronfel commented 2 years ago

Hey, sorry this took so long to respond to. I did some looking at the completion routines here and here. It looks like for the most part we do string comparisons using the Invariant Culture, ignoring case. In addition, there have recently been some fixes around how we trigger completion in low-context situations (like 1 letter) that may have fixed this. We should be releasing those soon, so when that happens I'd appreciate it if you could check and see if we've solved it.

baronfel commented 2 years ago

This released!