ionide / Ionide-vim

F# Vim plugin based on FsAutoComplete and LSP protocol
MIT License
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Neovim Built-in LSP Client Support #37

Closed cannorin closed 2 years ago

cannorin commented 3 years ago

I've been wondering whether we should support other LSP clients like ALE or CoC, but I actually never started working for it because 1) I have little free time and 2) these are just third party plugins (despite a lot more popular than LC-neovim) and 3) people will have their preferred one so I fear that if I supported one I would have to support them all.

But supporting the built-in LSP client for Neovim is a different story. I think providing a first-class support for Neovim's LSP client is a big deal and I think there is really no reason not to do that.