ionide / Ionide-vim

F# Vim plugin based on FsAutoComplete and LSP protocol
MIT License
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Comment lines affect indentation #67

Closed usualwitch closed 1 year ago

usualwitch commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug If a comment line ends with one of the patterns defined in, the next line will be indented.

To Reproduce Write a comment that ends with any word from this list begin\|do\|else\|fun\|function\|functor\|if\|initializer\|object\|private\|sig\|struct\|then\|try then press enter. The next line will be shifted right.

Expected behaviour Comment lines should not change indentation.

cannorin commented 1 year ago

@usualwitch Note that #71 is not perfect: it will still increase indentation within ranged comments (* ... *) since there is apparently no efficient way for Vim's indent file to know if the current position is within ranged comment.

It will fix the following case, though:

// begin
// something