I created a peer connection and set it as ice-lite and passive status like below, but I failed to find the way setting local candidate for it. How to set the local candidate when peer connection is ice-lite?
se := webrtc.SettingEngine{}
se.SetEphemeralUDPPortRange(9090, 9090)
se.SetNAT1To1IPs([]string{"x.x.x.x"}, webrtc.ICECandidateTypeHost)
api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithMediaEngine(&me), webrtc.WithSettingEngine(se))
pc, err := api.NewPeerConnection(webrtc.Configuration{})
The answer generated is below, and there is no candidate.
Hi team,
I created a peer connection and set it as ice-lite and passive status like below, but I failed to find the way setting local candidate for it. How to set the local candidate when peer connection is ice-lite?
The answer generated is below, and there is no candidate.