ioos / APIRUS

API for Regular, Unstructured and Staggered model output (or API R US)
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What to call it? #21

Open ChrisBarker-NOAA opened 7 years ago

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

While "APIRUS" is a fine name for the overarching project and discusion, it's not really good for an actual python package.... Options:


(or py_ appended to those)

Also, the package name does not have to match the core objects name -- I kind of like Dataset, or does that get too confused with netCDF4.Dataset ?

Other options?

hetland commented 7 years ago

How about just 'gridded' which is a good descriptor for the data that will be used, its short, and (afaik) not taken by any big projects.

On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Chris Barker wrote:

While "APIRUS" is a fine name for the overarching project and discusion, it's not really good for an actual python package.... Options:

star_grid any_grid many_grid gridded_dataset

(or py_ appended to those)

Also, the package name does not have to match the core objects name -- I kind of like Dataset, or does that get too confused with netCDF4.Dataset ?

Other options?

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Prof. Rob Hetland Texas A&M Univ. – Dept. of Oceanography

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago


rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago


ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

hmm -- I kind of like gridfu...

I'm going to get started on some code using that -- we can rename later...


kwilcox commented 7 years ago

How do people feel about bringing it up a level and calling it something like potion or pocean (both pronounced potion)? It is python + oceans. :snake: + :ocean:.

This is really a library on top of CF and some community developed sub-conventions... I'd prefer to keep any code related to the CF DSG types in the same library.

ocefpaf commented 7 years ago

How do people feel about bringing it up a level and calling it something like potion or pocean (both pronounced potion)? It is python + oceans. :snake: + :ocean:.

Someone woke up inspired this morning! :+1:

This is really a library on top of CF and some community developed sub-conventions... I'd prefer to keep any code related to the CF DSG types in the same library.


rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

Of course I love the sound of "potion" but we want to make clear this is applicable to Met/Ocean/Hydro, not just ocean, so unfortunately I don't think we should do this

kwilcox commented 7 years ago

My only other suggestion was moccasin, a snake that lives in the water. I don't think there are any snakes that live in the air though...

ocefpaf commented 7 years ago

I don't think there are any snakes that live in the air though...

I don't know about living in the air but...

hetland commented 7 years ago

I like gridfu. I expect that the tools would also work for any gridded output, like engineering numerical model simulations of lab studies. (note, I still like gridded..) I agree that any ocean references are probably too restrictive. But we should all keep potion in our back pockets. There will come a time...

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Filipe wrote:

I don't think there are any snakes that live in the air though...

I don't know about living in the air but...

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Prof. Rob Hetland Texas A&M Univ. – Dept. of Oceanography

kwilcox commented 7 years ago

While I'm still opposed to anything grid specific (

pugs - python universal grid system (Everyone likes pugs. Known fact.) pyng - PYthon natural grids (pronounced like ping) psi - Python Science grIds pygmy - PYthon Grids sig - ScIence Grids

lukecampbell commented 7 years ago

pugs might be confused with pug, the replacement to jade

lukecampbell commented 7 years ago

I like pygmy for what it's worth.

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

I like pugs, as everybody does love pugs and we can have a cool logo. Since we are python, we don't need to worry about being confused with a javascript templating library, do we?

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

@kwilcox: why opposed to grid specific? isn't this all about the grids???

In fact, for me, it's more about the grids than the conventions. For example it should be really easy to load up gridded data into "this thing" and then work with it that isn't in netcdf or CF or UGRID or SGRID at all.

And I don't think we should be thinking of dumping all sorts of other stuff related to ocean and coastal modeling that isn't about using gridded data...

and almost all of the names proposed are fine with me :-)

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:10 AM, Rich Signell wrote:

I like pugs, as everybody does love pugs and we can have a cool logo. Since we are python, we don't need to worry about being confused with a javascript templating library, do we?

I don't think so -- I presume anyone searching will search for "pugs pypi" or "pugs python" or SOMETHING to narrow it down -- otherwise, you'd get the cute dogs anyway...

thouogh there is this already in Python:

(Portland User Group utilities)

lukecampbell commented 7 years ago

Pygmy is out as well:

kwilcox commented 7 years ago

In fact, for me, it's more about the grids than the conventions. For example it should be really easy to load up gridded data into "this thing" and then work with it that isn't in netcdf or CF or UGRID or SGRID at all.

This will never be a use case of mine so I have a difficult time rationalizing the need. I still don't think grid generation or programatically creating grid objects should be a part of sgrid or ugrid (or this library). I've always thought of starting with the CF/SGRID/UGRID conventions and going from there.

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

I've always thought of starting with the CF/SGRID/UGRID conventions and going from there.

Me too. CF/SGRID/UGRID object from a file, a service, or and something like an Iris cube. But I don't see a lot of harm in having some functions/methods to instantiate an object, either.

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Kyle Wilcox wrote:

In fact, for me, it's more about the grids than the conventions. For example it should be really easy to load up gridded data into "this thing" and then work with it that isn't in netcdf or CF or UGRID or SGRID at all.

This will never be a use case of mine

no one ever gives you no-compliant datasets to deal with? sometimes you can throw it on THREDDS and write a little ncml to clean it up, but not always, and we don't all want to run THREDDS just to translate some data :-)

And if nothing else, you REALLY want a non-netcdf-file way to generate an work with these objects for testing and development if nothing else :-)

so I have a difficult time rationalizing the need. I still don't think grid generation or programmatically creating grid objects should be a part of sgrid or ugrid (or this library).

not sure what you mean by "grid generation" -- if you mean figuring out where the nodes should be, traingularinzing, etc, -- I agree.

but you absolutely should be able to create a full-featured one of these object with pure code, the data coming from an arbitrary source.

I've always thought of starting with the CF/SGRID/UGRID conventions and going from there.

I do think we want to embody the code data model of the various conventions -- but not lock ourselves into compliance of meta-data and certainly not the files themselves.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer

Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Rich Signell wrote:

Me too. CF/SGRID/UGRID object from a file, a service, or and something like an Iris cube. But I don't see a lot of harm in having some functions/methods to instantiate an object, either.

not just no harm, but it's critical functionality -- but you're right whether you agree with me or not -- it won't get in the way.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer

Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

ayan-usgs commented 7 years ago


I'm not terribly fond of "gridfu". It evokes "grid f*ck u" in my mind. Maybe that's just me... :anguished:

pyng - PYthon natural grids (pronounced like ping)

I like "pyng".

kwilcox commented 7 years ago

I'm not terribly fond of "gridfu". It evokes "grid f*ck u" in my mind. Maybe that's just me... :anguished:

It isn't just you! I'm not sure what that says about us though....

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

Do we need to worry about this?

If so, back to "pugs"?

ayan-usgs commented 7 years ago


lukecampbell commented 7 years ago

There's several pug repos on pypi already

hetland commented 7 years ago


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Luke Campbell wrote:

There's several pug repos on pypi already

  • pug 0.1.22
  • pypugjs 4.0
  • pug-ann 0.0.22
  • pug-dj 0.0.18

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Prof. Rob Hetland Texas A&M Univ. – Dept. of Oceanography

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

At this point we should call it "gridiculous"

rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago


I'm fine with "gridded"

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

I'm not terribly fond of "gridfu". It evokes "grid f*ck u" in my mind.

Really? There's a long standing tradition in the geek world for "something-fu". I've always liked it.

It's been part of the GIMP forever, and I've seen it used in lots of other contexts.

But I guess once you pronounce it:

"Grid" "F" "U" once, it's all over.



ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 7 years ago

It's probably time for a survey of some sort -- anyone want to put together a google form?

and for "pugs", yes there is:

There's several pug repos on pypi already

pug 0.1.22 pypugjs 4.0 pug-ann 0.0.22 pug-dj 0.0.18

but none of those have the "s", so I don't think it's off the table.


rsignell-usgs commented 7 years ago

Q: How many scientists and developers does it take to pick a name? A: FU!

How about "griddle"? griddle

kwilcox commented 7 years ago

Whatever makes the emails stop

PythonCHB commented 7 years ago

OK -- after a break in the emails....

I somehow didn't like "gridded" -- boring, not nearly as fun as "grid-fu" or "pugs" or ...

but then I thought about:

from gridded import Dataset

or even better:

mydata = gridded.Dataset

that really makes sense!

So -- anyone strongly object to "gridded"?