Open EOGrady21 opened 9 months ago
After discussion with the workshop leaders, I decided to focus on a smaller 2022 dataset for my first publication BBMP2022_plankton.csv
I have an initial variable map: <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="">
BioChem | DWC -- | -- MISSION_NAME | MISSION_DESCRIPTOR | eventID PROTOCOL | START_DATE_EVENT | eventDate START_DATE_HEAD | COLLECTOR_STATION_NAME | COLLECTOR_EVENT_ID | eventID COLLECTOR_COMMENT_EVENT | eventRemarks START_DEPTH | minimumDepthInMeters END_DEPTH | maximumDepthInMeters MESH_SIZE | measurementType:mesh size COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_ID | eventID COLLECTOR_HEADERS | COLLECTOR_COMMENT_HEADERS MIN_SIEVE | measurementType: minimum sieve MAX_SIEVE | measurementType: maximum sieve SPLIT_FRACTION | measurementType: split fraction NATIONAL_TAXONOMIC_SEQ | COLLECTOR_TAXONOMIC_ID | verbatimIdentification TAXONOMIC_NAME | MODIFIER | STAGE | MOLT_NUMBER | measurementType: molt number SEX | sex COUNTS | individualCount WET_WEIGHT | measurementType: wet weight DRY_WEIGHT | measurementType: dry weight COLLECTOR_COMMENT_GEN | SOURCE | CREATED_DATE | PROD_CREATED_DATE | MIN_LAT | decimalLatitude MAX_LAT | MIN_LON | decimalLongitude LEADER | PLATFORM | START_DATE | eventDate END_DATE | eventDate PHASE_OF_DAYLIGHT | SOUNDING | measurementType: total bottom depth VOLUME | measurementType: volume LARGE_PLANKTON_REMOVED | COLLECTION_METHOD_NAME | measurementType: collection method PROCEDURE_NAME | measurementType: procedure VOLUME_METHOD_NAME | measurementType: volume method HEADER_START_LAT | decimalLatitude HEADER_END_LAT | HEADER_START_LON | decimalLongitude HEADER_END_LON | HEADER_END_TIME | eventTime HEADER_START_TIME | eventTime HEADER_END_DATE | eventDate LIFE_HISTORY_NAME | lifeStage BEST_NODC7 | EVENT_START_TIME | eventTime EVENT_END_TIME | eventTime EVENT_MIN_LON | decimalLongitude EVENT_MAX_LON | EVENT_MIN_LAT | decimalLatitude EVENT_MAX_LAT | EVENT_END_DATE | eventDate UTC_OFFSET | GEAR_TYPE | measurementType: gear type GEAR_MODEL | measurementType: gear model GEAR_SIZE | measurementType: gear size TSN_ITIS | AUTHORITY | TSN | APHIAID | identificationID PRESERVATION_NAME | measurementType: preservation
Contact details
Dataset Title
2023 AZMP Zooplankton Data
Describe your dataset and any specific challenges or blockers you have or anticipate.
Data is available in raw excel format with headers: mission, date, station, tow, gear ID, event ID, sample ID, depth, split, aliquot, taxa, stage, sex, count
The data are also available through an SQL database where there is additional metadata, but it would be preferred to load data from the raw spreadsheets.
The main hurdle to submission is formatting data into OBIS requirements. It would be ideal if there was an automated pipeline that could make formatting be a less resource intensive task.
Info about "raw" Data Files.
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