ioos / bio_mobilization_workshop

Marine data mobilization workshop for Biology and Ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables (Bio-Eco EOV) as a Contribution to the UN Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
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Post workshop certification of attendance? #45

Closed MathewBiddle closed 1 year ago

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

What happened to our discussions about a certification of sorts?

Can we create some PDF that we send folks after the workshop to say they attended? A certification of attendance...

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

Some blogs on how to create one in R, using LaTEX:

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

This would probably require participants to add their names to a csv in this repo. That would be a neat idea, if folks were comfortable in doing so.

  1. Gives a record of who attended
  2. Gets participants involved in using GitHub.
albenson-usgs commented 1 year ago

Good call. I think it's only documented in our notes and not as a ticket. We should figure out how to do this.

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

Since I don't have to rebuild the site, I am interested in spending some time working through this. The link above gives a good template to start with. Some things to consider:

7yl4r commented 1 year ago

We might consider using Mozilla's OpenBadges standard via I haven't used it, but I believe it is free, and I am a fan of the OpenBadges philosophy developed by Mozilla.

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

@7yl4r I like the badgr idea but I'd like something more reproducible and contained in this repo.

I guess one concern is folks could just run the script to generate the certification to fake their attendance. Hopefully we don't need to worry about that...

Maybe @sformel-usgs has some thoughts?

sformel-usgs commented 1 year ago

I've never used badgr, but after reading a little about it seems like there are some academic circles where it's heavily used, but not so many government agencies. @7yl4r does that seem right? I also think most folks would probably be content to list the workshop on their CV, and that few will need/want certificates.

That's kind of a long way of saying I think the github approach would be sufficient for our attendees needs. And if someone goes through the trouble of faking their attendance, then I think we can cross that bridge when it happens. TBH, that would be pretty flattering if attendance at our workshop was desirable enough to fake!

But, I also don't feel very strongly about this, so if either of you do feel strongly, I'm happy to follow your lead.

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago


7yl4r commented 1 year ago

Certificates will be provided on request. Requests can be made via the exit survey. Certificates may be generated using

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

copied the carpentries stuff into our repo. See

Need to think on the .svg file

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago



jdpye commented 1 year ago

I spent a few minutes trying to find a pacific-centric version of the globe logo. Does your comment there mean that you'd want to make it a taxa silhouette from ?

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

It's just an option. I was just jotting down different ideas.

I don't have strong feelings as to what we should use for the image.

jdpye commented 1 year ago

All good, layoutwise i am learning a lot of things about embedding svg in svg that I didn't know before. The template part is relatively easy with the jinja2 version, just supply all the variables you'd want to supply, we roll through an attendee list with a python loop and we are happy there. Just looking at grabbing svgs and child svgs that will cover all the visual elements.

MathewBiddle commented 1 year ago

yup. Started work at

can probably use some cleanup, but the gist is there.