ioos / comt

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comt THREDDS server down #1

Closed rsignell-usgs closed 10 years ago

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

the comt THREDDS server is down

brianmckenna commented 10 years ago

THREDDS was reported down, actions taken

1) checked the web server status to determine if this was just THREDDS or server/Apache

$ curl -Is | head -n 1 | cut -d$' ' -f2



server returned HTTP 200 indicating both the server and Apache were properly functioning, issue must exist with THREDDS or the proxy between Apache/THREDDS

2) log in to, check if THREDDS process is running

$ ps ax | grep java | grep -i catalina

should return (or similar)

19414 ?        Sl     1:39 /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17/bin/java <...> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

in this case, there was no THREDDS process listed indicating at least part of the problem was that THREDDS was no longer running (worth checking /var/www/thredds_instance/logs/catalina.out for any indication of why)

3) before restarting, verify all necessary mount points are mounted

$ df

shows all active mounts, check these active mounts against /etc/fstab

In this case, the /data mount was not listed, indicating it was no longer mounted. Network issues or remote server reboot are among possibilities, without involving IT, we can simply try and remount:

mount -a for all or mount /data for the one we've identified as missing

mount was reattached, so any upstream problem was likely already solved.

4) restart THREDDS

/etc/init.d/tomcat_thredds restart

THREDDS was operating properly at this point.

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

@brianmckenna: Awesome. Thanks both for the fish and for the fishing technique!