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The WW3 test data needs UGRID love #12

Closed rsignell-usgs closed 10 years ago

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

I have union aggregated the 11 WaveWatch 3 test datasets using NcML, which worked great, but it's apparent that we need to add all the UGRID stuff to the NcML as well. I'll work on that.

awest-noaa commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks. Let me know if you need any assistance.

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

Okay, this dataset looks to be UGRID compliant now, thanks to a little NcML modification.

Here's the proof!

awest-noaa commented 10 years ago

Great stuff! Will try it out.

Thanks Rich!

awest-noaa commented 9 years ago

Hi Rich,

Was playing around with this WW3 data set, but wasn't able to view it through Godiva the way I'm able to view Jay's Delft3D example. Looks like the parameter fields aren't showing up (see attached). godiva2_pr_inundation_tropical_adcirc-ww3 godiva2_pr_inundation_tropical_delft3d

Am I missing something?