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IOOS Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed. See:
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UGRID data does not display in ncWMS/Godiva2 #21

Closed awest-noaa closed 9 years ago

awest-noaa commented 9 years ago

Hi Rich,

Was playing around with the newly formatted WW3 output data set, but wasn't able to view it through Godiva the way I'm able to view Jay's Delft3D example. Looks like the parameter fields aren't showing up (see attached).

godiva2_pr_inundation_tropical_adcirc-ww3 godiva2_pr_inundation_tropical_delft3d

Am I missing something?

rsignell-usgs commented 9 years ago

@awest-noaa, the NcWMS built into the THREDDS data server does not work with unstructured grid data. So Godiva2 doesn't get anything back when it tries a request. That's why the testbed is funding the development of sciwms, which works with both structured and unstructured grid.