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NcML for GEM, ROMS biogeochem and FVCOM-WASP #29

Open jlehrter opened 9 years ago

jlehrter commented 9 years ago

Hi Rich, Do you guys have guidance for how to generate the NcML, or even a script already developed for translating our model state variables to the CF format? Thanks, John

rsignell-usgs commented 9 years ago

@jlehrter , which models are we talking about here?
Can you point me toward an example?

jlehrter commented 9 years ago

@rsignell-usgs, GEM to start with, but ultimately for ROMS biogeochem and FVCOM-WASP too. The list of state variables for GEM is attached. If you want an example netcdf, I can send that via email. table of gem state variables

rsignell-usgs commented 9 years ago

I've copied the sample file you provided by email to

which makes it viewable on OPeNDAP at

I'll take a look at the NcML now

rsignell-usgs commented 9 years ago

@jlehrter , can you please upload a 2 time step file that contains real lon/lat and depth values? You should be able to do sftp

rluettich commented 9 years ago

We have a document that is supposed to outline how to get compliant model results into the COMT archive. It would be great to use this as an opportunity to assess the adequacy of this document since, in the long run, having such a document is critical for the COMT:

jlehrter commented 9 years ago

Thanks, and yes we've looked at these instructions. We are looking for guidance about how to create the NcML file.

rluettich commented 9 years ago

Hopefully we can add a section to the instruction that addresses NcML use as well.

brianmckenna commented 9 years ago

@rluettich @rsignell-usgs

The best I can think we can provide is very barebone templates for models we have handled and know about, assuming the output remains the "default" ADCIRC, FVCOM, etc

In this particular case, I don't believe we've ever seen the NCOM_GEM model, so some manual interaction would be necessary to map the default model output variables to CF compliant fields.

As an example, not sure if it's even relevant to COMT objectives, but there's no automated way to know that NCOM_GEM output variable Qn1 (Phytoplantkton(sp?) group 1 nitrogen quota) is something like CF standard_name mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water or whichever is the appropriate field.

It would help greatly if each COMT project had a strict list of required model output variables (eg. water level for inundation) and even desired model variables, which can be used to create barebone NcML templates.

jlehrter commented 9 years ago

I think a standard list of model variables for each project is a good idea. Especially in the biogeochemical models, there will be differences in the way various processes are represented. Some vars, like Qn in the example above, are specific to our model but are used to obtain the phytoplankton growth rate, which is generic across all the biogeochem models. I'll talk with the folks on our project about putting together a list.