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Update Google Drive spreadsheet for Testbed2 #9

Open rsignell-usgs opened 10 years ago

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

On testbed1, we used a Google Drive (aka Google Doc) spreadsheet to drive generation of a dynamic THREDDS catalog so that datasets uploaded and logged to the spreadsheet would automatically be available as aggregated CF/UGRID-compliant datasets via THREDDS.

We need to update the Google Drive spreadsheet: to create a new sheet for testbed2 and verify that the automated system is working.

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

I'm working on this. I've created a new Google Doc spreadsheet for Testbed 2 and this will eventually drive the generation of the "clean catalog" that will be harvested by NGDC geoportal, allowing discovery of testbed 2 data.

Right now it is just a copy of the testbed 1 google doc, but Liz Smith is going to take a crack at revising the list of models, and then I will populate a few lines with the sample data we have so far to serve as examples for participants.

rsignell-usgs commented 10 years ago

Ack. I copied the wrong Google spreadsheet. This is the one that Corbitt created, that has more columns: maybe I'll just use the same spreadsheet and add a tab for comt2

Lizsmith commented 10 years ago

Assuming that the list of models I added here jives with whatever data you’ve received so far?

And -- Will Rich or Brian let me know when I can share the documentation here with the rest of the PIs:


Elizabeth Smith

Coastal Research Programs Manager

Southeastern Universities Research Association

Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA 23508

757.683.5842 (office)

757.575.0752 (cell)

From: Rich Signell [] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 4:51 PM To: ioos/comt Subject: Re: [comt] Update Google Drive spreadsheet for Testbed2 (#9)

I'm working on this. I've created a new Google Doc spreadsheet for Testbed 2 and this will eventually drive the generation of the "clean catalog" that will be harvested by NGDC geoportal, allowing discovery of testbed 2 data.

Right now it is just a copy of the testbed 1 google doc, but Liz Smith is going to take a crack at revising the list of models, and then I will populate a few lines with the sample data we have so far to serve as examples for participants.

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kknee commented 9 years ago

@rsignell-usgs is the COMT2 tab up to date (only two sources)? Can we push anyone for more data to play with next week?

Lizsmith commented 9 years ago

I will contact the other team leads again to see what they can do…..all have been running models so they have the data. Can you tap COMT_1 archive for more examples……?

Elizabeth Smith

Coastal Research Programs Manager

Southeastern Universities Research Association

Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA 23508

757.683.5842 (office)

757.575.0752 (cell)

From: Kelly Knee [] Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:48 PM To: ioos/comt Cc: Liz Smith Subject: Re: [comt] Update Google Drive spreadsheet for Testbed2 (#9)

@rsignell-usgs is the COMT2 tab up to date (only two sources)? Can we push anyone for more data to play with next week?

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rsignell-usgs commented 9 years ago

I was thinking we would make this push at the face-to-face meeting after demoing how they are supposed to contribute data to the testbed. @brianmckenna is working on getting GridFTP going, so I'd rather wait until that is all working.

kknee commented 9 years ago

@Lizsmith we're working with all the files in the COMT1 archive. @rsignell-usgs a little worried that the other teams will lose interest if they don't see their data at the demo, so would like to show something.

kknee commented 9 years ago

We'll work with the few sources we have for now - they do provide some good examples of new sources.

Lizsmith commented 9 years ago

Kelly – I will pester them… are right that that modelers will like seeing their results in your demo. Rich’s suggestion makes sense too since teams are focused now on cranking out results to present at the face-to-face meeting. They will be more inclined after the meeting and demo to work on making sure data are compliant and uploading. But – let’s see if I can shake something else loose.

Elizabeth Smith

Coastal Research Programs Manager

Southeastern Universities Research Association

Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA 23508

757.683.5842 (office)

757.575.0752 (cell)

From: Rich Signell [] Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:54 PM To: ioos/comt Cc: Liz Smith Subject: Re: [comt] Update Google Drive spreadsheet for Testbed2 (#9)

I was thinking we would make this push at the face-to-face meeting after demoing how they are supposed to contribute data to the testbed. @brianmckenna is working on getting GridFTP going, so I'd rather wait until that is all working.

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