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Create repository for SantuaryWatch website development and documentation #6

Closed MathewBiddle closed 7 months ago

MathewBiddle commented 7 months ago

Repository name


Repository purpose

In collaboration with NMS we are working on a WordPress migration of the website. Currently, we do not have a landing page GitHub repository for the sanctuarywatch landing page. As sanctuary staff will be developing the WordPress plug-ins and associated documentation for the website, this would be a good place to store the plug-ins and write the deployment documentation.

Following some ideas we've had to have a repository in the ioos organization for each of our site, I am requesting we add one for this effort.

Other websites/landing pages that have GitHub repositories:

cc: @superjai, @nguyandy

P.S. The repository name was a shot in the dark. If we have some common naming convention for these sites, lets follow that.

Repository description

WordPress documentation and plug-ins for the National Marine Santuaries web-enabled Condition Reporting (WebCR) website

Repository type


Repository license

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

Repository options

Specify a .gitignore file type

No response

MathewBiddle commented 7 months ago

@mwengren any major issues if we create a repo for this effort? If not, do you have a preference for a naming schema?

mwengren commented 7 months ago

@MathewBiddle we don't seem to really have a naming convention, but despite that, we don't really use -webpage as a suffix in any other cases. The closest I can see to a pattern is that we just name the repo to match the DNS subdomain (gliders ->, osmc ->

So I guess my preference is to just call it 'sanctuarywatch' if that's the planned domain name.

Hopefully, a few of the static 'landing page' repos can be retired in the future if we can find a path forward to consolidate the RPS-managed sites (comt-landing, gliders, hfradar-dac-landing, osmc, ocean-acidification) under the ioos-us repo, perhaps.

MathewBiddle commented 7 months ago

sanctuarywatch is the planned domain name, so let's go with that. I'll close this issue once the repo is created.

MathewBiddle commented 7 months ago