ioos / ioos-asset-inventory

Building the IOOS asset inventory with python
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NANOOS review CY21 #28

Closed MathewBiddle closed 2 years ago

MathewBiddle commented 2 years ago

to log issues

MathewBiddle commented 2 years ago

Couldn't find the following stations on nanoos erddap:

Station ID | WMO ID or NWS/CMAN ID | Station Long Name | Station Description | Latitude (dec deg) | Longitude (dec deg) | Platform Type | Station Deployment (mm/yyyy, yyyy, < 5 yr, > 5 yr) | Currently Operational? (Y, N, O, U) | Platform Funder/Sponsor | RA Funding Involvement (Yf, Yp, N) | Platform Operator/Owner | Operator Sector | Platform Maintainer | Data Manager | Variable Names + water column depth of measurement in meters [CF_name (# m, # m) or CF_name (mult) or CF_name (# depths)]. | Additional notes -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- APL-UW NEMO Profiler | NaN | APL-UW NEMO-ESP Profiler | NaN | 47.9667 | -124.9549 | profiling buoy | 08/2011 | Y | NaN | Yf | APL-UW | Academic | APL-UW | APL-UW | sea_water_electrical_conductivity (profiling),... | No WMO ID established yet; profiling from\n~20... APL-UW Chaba | 46119 | Chaba UW/NANOOS Moored Buoy near La Push | NaN | 47.9676 | -124.9600 | moored buoy | 07/2010 | Y | NaN | Yp | APL-UW | Academic | APL-UW | APL-UW | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, surface... | NaN CMOP Cbnc3 | NaN | Cathlamet Bay North Channel (USCG day mark gre... | NaN | 46.2100 | -123.7140 | fixed shore platform | 10/2001 | Y | NaN | Yp | CRITFC | Tribal | CRITFC | CRITFC | sea_water_practical_salinity (6.5m), sea_water... | No WMO ID because asset not real-time. CMOP Elliott | NaN | Elliott Point | NaN | 46.2591 | -123.6149 | moored buoy | 07/2001 | Y | NaN | Yp | CRITFC | Tribal | CRITFC | CRITFC | sea_water_practical_salinity (13m), sea_water_... | No WMO ID yet. Currently down, will pursue WMO... CMOP Woody | WDYO3 | Woody Island (USCG Pillar Rock back range board) | NaN | 46.2520 | -123.5340 | fixed shore platform | 02/1997 | Y | NaN | Yp | CRITFC | Tribal | CRITFC | CRITFC | sea_water_temperature (2.4m) | NaN NERRS SOSCHWQ | CWQO3 | Station SOSCHWQ - Charleston Bridge, South Slo... | NaN | 43.3380 | -124.3210 | fixed shore platform | 01/2011 | O | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | CDMO | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (tid... | NaN NERRS SOSECWQ | SLOO3 | Station SOSECWQ - Elliot Creek, South Slough R... | NaN | 43.2965 | -124.3107 | fixed shore platform | 09/2012 | Y | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | CDMO | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (tid... | NaN NERRS SOSTCMET | SNTO3 | Station SOSTCMET - Tom's Creek, South Slough R... | NaN | 43.2791 | -124.3184 | land station | 11/2016 | Y | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | CDMO | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, surface... | NaN NERRS SOSVAWQ | SOQO3 | Station SOSVAWQ - Valino Island, South Slough ... | NaN | 43.3172 | -124.3216 | fixed shore platform | 01/2011 | Y | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | CDMO | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (tid... | NaN NERRS SOSWIWQ | CHQO3 | Station SOSWIWQ - Winchester Arm, South Slough... | NaN | 43.2820 | -124.3200 | fixed shore platform | 01/2011 | Y | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | CDMO | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (tid... | NaN SSNERR-CTCLUSI SOSNSWQ | NaN | SOSNSWQ Station - North Spit-BLM Boat Ramp nea... | NaN | 43.4139 | -124.2789 | fixed shore platform | 08/2014 | Y | NaN | Yp | NERRS - South Slough | Federal | NERRS - South Slough | NWSHADS | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (tid... | NaN NWIC Bellingham Bay | 46118 | Se`lhaem Bellingham Bay buoy | NaN | 48.7237 | -122.5765 | moored buoy | 02/2016 | O | NaN | Yp | Northwest Indian College (NWIC) | Academic | NWIC | Soundnine | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, dew_poi... | NaN ORCA Carr Inlet | 46121 | Profiling Buoy at Carr Inlet - South Sound | NaN | 47.2800 | -122.7300 | profiling buoy | 10/2010 | Y | NaN | Yp | APL-UW | Academic | APL-UW | APL-UW / Northwest Environmental Moorings (NWEM) | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, dew_poi... | Profiling from surface to ~40m OSU Yaquina | NaN | OSU Yaquina Bay site, Newport | NaN | 44.6311 | -124.0491 | fixed shore platform | 01/2019 | Y | NaN | Yp | Oregon Sea Grant | Academic | OSU | OSU | sea_water_practical_salinity (0.9m, 2.1m, 3.4m... | No WMO ID, small local deployment Fanny Bay Oysters | NaN | Fanny Bay Oysters, Baynes Sound | NaN | 49.4716 | -124.7927 | fixed shore platform | 03/2017 | Y | NaN | N | Fanny Bay Oysters | Industry | Hakai Institute/ Fanny Bay Oysters | Hakai Institute | total_alkalinity (6m), surface_partial_pressur... | NaN FHL-UW Friday Harbor | NaN | UW Friday Harbor Laboratories Cantilever Pt | NaN | 48.5461 | -123.0077 | land station | 2006 | Y | NaN | N | Friday Harbor Laboratory (FHL) - UW | Academic | FHL-UW | FHL-UW | air_temperature, surface_downwelling_photosynt... | NaN FHLOO | NaN | Friday Harbor Laboratories Ocean Observatory | NaN | 48.5453 | -123.0121 | fixed shore platform | 2010 | Y | NaN | N | FHL-UW | Academic | FHL-UW | FHL-UW | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN Hakai KC Buoy | NaN | Seaology CO2 Buoy in Kwakshua Channel, BC | NaN | 51.6501 | -127.9664 | moored buoy | 10/2018 | Y | NaN | N | Hakai Institute | Acadmic | Hakai Institute | Hakai Institute | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, surface... | NaN Hakai Quadra Island | NaN | Quadra Island Field Station at Hyacinthe Bay | NaN | 50.1160 | -125.2220 | fixed shore platform | 04/2016 | Y | NaN | N | Hakai Institute | Acadmic | Hakai Institute | Hakai Institute | total_alkalinity (1m), surface_partial_pressur... | NaN HMSC Newport | NaN | Hatfield Marine Sci. Ctr. monitoring site, New... | NaN | 44.6244 | -124.0431 | fixed shore platform | 08/2012 | O | NaN | N | Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC)-OSU | Acadmic/ Non-profit | HMSC-OSU | OSU | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN KC Dockton Park Pier | NaN | Dockton Park Pier Mooring - Inner Quartermaste... | NaN | 47.3728 | -122.4534 | fixed shore platform | 10/2014 | Y | NaN | N | King County | County | King County | King County | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, surface... | NaN KC Point Williams | NaN | Point Williams Buoy, South Seattle | NaN | 47.5372 | -122.4061 | moored buoy | 09/2013 | Y | NaN | N | King County | County | King County | King County | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN KC Yacht Club Mooring | NaN | Yacht Club Mooring - Inner Quartermaster Harbo... | NaN | 47.3942 | -122.4635 | fixed shore platform | 03/2011 | Y | NaN | N | King County | County | King County | King County | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN Penn Cove Shellfish | NaN | Penn Cove Shellfish, Coupeville - Whidbey Island | NaN | 48.2191 | -122.7048 | moored shellfish raft | 05/2014 | O | NaN | N | Penn Cove Shellfish | Industry | Penn Cove Shellfish | Penn Cove Shellfish | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN PSI-PCSGA Bay Center | NaN | PCSGA - Bay Center Port mooring, Willapa Bay | NaN | 46.6290 | -123.9516 | fixed shore platform | 03/2011 | Y | NaN | N | Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) | Non-profit | PSI | PSI | total_alkalinity (0.3m), surface_partial_press... | NaN PSI-PCSGA Lummi | NaN | PCSGA - Lummi hatchery mooring, Lummi Bay | NaN | 48.7799 | -122.6463 | fixed shore platform | 03/2012 | O | NaN | N | Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) | Non-profit | PSI | PSI | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN PSI-PCSGA Nahcotta | NaN | PCSGA - Nahcotta Port hatchery mooring, Willap... | NaN | 46.5007 | -124.0304 | fixed shore platform | 05/2011 | Y | NaN | N | Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) | Non-profit | PSI | PSI | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (0.3... | NaN PSI-PCSGA Tokeland | NaN | PCSGA - Tokeland mooring, Willapa Bay | NaN | 46.7150 | -123.9750 | fixed shore platform | 03/2012 | O | NaN | N | Pacific Shellfish Institute (PSI) | Non-profit | PSI | PSI | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN Quileute 40m | NaN | Quileute 40m | NaN | 47.7818 | -124.6538 | mooring | 2021 | Y | NaN | N | Quileute Natural Resources | Tribal | Quileute Natural Resources | Quileute Natural Resources | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (40m... | NaN Quileute 65m | NaN | Quileute 65m | NaN | 47.7150 | -124.7328 | mooring | 2021 | Y | NaN | N | Quileute Natural Resources | Tribal | Quileute Natural Resources | Quileute Natural Resources | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (65m... | NaN Seattle Aquarium | NaN | Seattle Aquarium Mooring - Elliott Bay | NaN | 47.6080 | -122.3438 | fixed shore platform | 10/2012 | Y | NaN | N | King County | County | King County | King County | air_temperature, surface_air_pressure, surface... | NaN STTI Port Susan | NaN | Port Susan buoy, Stillaguamish Tribe | NaN | 48.1750 | -122.4200 | moored buoy | 07/2013 | O | NaN | N | Stillaguamish Tribe | Tribal | Stillaguamish Tribe | Stillaguamish Tribe | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water... | NaN Taylor-PCSGA Dabob | NaN | PCSGA - Taylor Shellfish Hatchery intakes, Dab... | NaN | 47.8199 | -122.8215 | fixed shore platform | 03/2012 | Y | NaN | N | Taylor Shellfish | Industry | Taylor Shellfish | Taylor Shellfish | total_alkalinity (4.5m), surface_partial_press... | NaN VIU Deep Bay MFS | NaN | VIU Deep Bay Marine Field Station, Baynes Sound | NaN | 49.4600 | -124.7368 | fixed shore platform | 11/2013 | O | NaN | N | Vancouver Island University (VIU)-CSR | Academic | VIU-CSR | VIU-CSR | mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (18m... | NaN WCSH-PCSGA Whiskey Crk | NaN | PCSGA - Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery, Neta... | NaN | 45.4214 | -123.9362 | fixed shore platform | 03/2012 | Y | NaN | N | Whiskey Creek Shellfish | Industry | Whiskey Creek Shellfish | OSU | total_alkalinity (4m), surface_partial_pressur... | NaN

Platforms without data available for 2021:

MathewBiddle commented 2 years ago

Removed the stations cited above from the inventory.