ioos / ioosngdac

IOOS National Glider Data Assembly Center (V2)
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empty aoos deployment folders #135

Closed kerfoot closed 6 years ago

kerfoot commented 6 years ago

@kwilcox: I think you created the following 3 aoos deployments:

unit-167-20130911T0027 unit-191-20150711T2000 unit-4-20140910T1800

But there are no NetCDF files in any of these folders. Do you intend to submit NetCDF files for these deployments or should we delete the deployments?

kwilcox commented 6 years ago

I'll be submitting these soon

kwilcox commented 6 years ago

@kerfoot I submitted the first:

If that ones processes OK through the DAC I've got the data ready for the next three to upload tomorrow.

kerfoot commented 6 years ago

@kwilcox I know we have discussed profile_ids before. While it's not absolutely necessary, it would be easier on us (and end users) if you started your profile_ids at 1 and incremented them. Any chance you can start at profile_id=1?

kwilcox commented 6 years ago

I do agree that the profile_id as a count is much more user friendly but we can't easily implement that. I'd like to keep the production of the netCDF files limited to the data available in the *.*bd data files. There are huge benefits here... a distributed system doesn't need to "know" about previous profiles, doesn't need to keep a tally of how many profiles have gone by, and doesn't need to list a directory of netCDF files just to figure out what its own profile_id should be. The only thing that goes into creating the netCDF files is the data files themselves (and some default metadata).

At any given time the DAC has a complete list of netCDF files in once place (the ftp directory). Would somewhere between the private ERDDAP and the public ERDDAP be a place to transition to a more user-friendly profile_id scheme on the DAC side?

kerfoot commented 6 years ago

All other data providers are able to keep a tally of the profile_ids (including myself) and increment them accordingly. So I'm not sure why it can't be easily implemented on your end.

With that said, go ahead an keep implementing it as you are...we will deal with it on our end.