ioos / ioosngdac

IOOS National Glider Data Assembly Center (V2)
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Provide DAC2.0 Server Details to NDBC #19

Closed kknee closed 9 years ago

kknee commented 9 years ago

Requested by Walt McCall for finalizing process for ingesting to GTS.

@lukecampbell @kerfoot are we ready to share these details? If so, can one of you assign yourself to the issue and follow up with NDBC?

lukecampbell commented 9 years ago

I've released the IP address to select individuals, specifically you and @BeckyBaltes to distribute as necessary.

lukecampbell commented 9 years ago

BeckyBaltes commented 9 years ago

@lukecampbell, did you and Derrick decide yesterday to have NDBC just use the ERDDAP endpoint since it should have the exact same thing as Thredds? Or will we be providing both to NDBC. If you are comfortable sharing this with NDBC, I'll send it to them today, so they can start on their end.

lukecampbell commented 9 years ago

The other one is

We can start having them look at it, I think once we get some Rutgers datasets and the GLOS datasets in, we can confirm that the system is stable enough for them to invest developer hours to support it as a new endpoint.

BeckyBaltes commented 9 years ago

When do you expect to have RU and GLOS datasets in?

lukecampbell commented 9 years ago

@kerfoot Is working on ingesting the GLOS dataset(s) as we speak, I don't have a timeframe for the RU datasets but I can ask.

lukecampbell commented 9 years ago

The RU and GLOS datasets are in. The WAF is in, are there any outstanding parts to this task?

BeckyBaltes commented 9 years ago

@lukecampbell: Does Walt just need these IPs? dap.dac ftp.dac

Or does he need some other information to do the development on his end? I assume he can pull sample files from these IP addresses.

kerfoot commented 9 years ago

From Walt McCall at NDBC (via email) on 2014-02-19 While we are not fully implemented. We have finished enough testing to say that we are using the new system and will not use DAC 1.0 anymore. If we run into any issues, we will correct them rather than default to the old server.
