Together with MBON stakeholders, strategically review the MBON Data Catalog to identify data sets that should be deprecated or where additional metadata is needed to make the data more informative
What is the requested deadline and why?
What is the current status quo (i.e., what happens if this does not get done)?
If this does not get done, there might be some datasets in the MBON Data Catalog with insufficient metadata or are no longer relevant.
What indicates this is done (i.e., how do we know this is complete)?
Steps to complete:
[ ] Open review process for MBON stakeholders to review datasets that they have subject matter expert knowledge about
[ ] Updates have been made to the metadata for the datasets as necessary to deprecate or enhance the provided metadata
Provide a description or any other important information.
Who is requesting this?
What is being requested?
Together with MBON stakeholders, strategically review the MBON Data Catalog to identify data sets that should be deprecated or where additional metadata is needed to make the data more informative
What is the requested deadline and why?
What is the current status quo (i.e., what happens if this does not get done)?
If this does not get done, there might be some datasets in the MBON Data Catalog with insufficient metadata or are no longer relevant.
What indicates this is done (i.e., how do we know this is complete)?
Steps to complete:
Provide a description or any other important information.
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