ioos / service-monitor

A web based catalog of IOOS services and datasets
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Add Service Monitoring (harvesting) dashboard(s) for quick-look status of services #388

Closed carmelortiz closed 9 years ago

carmelortiz commented 9 years ago

It would be helpful to have one or more quick-link dashboard views showing the result of service harvest attempts over the last X amount of time. I can construct this now from the Services page by selecting, for example, all 11 Regional Associations under 'By Provider' and SOS under 'By Type'. The result of that is a nice table all on one-page (albeit a very, very long page) that highlights which services are in good shape and which have consistently failed harvesting. But it takes a lot of clicks to get to this display.

Perhaps a Service Monitoring menu or page with some built-in filters, or the ability to customize and save filters (or both). The specific filters that I would set are along the lines of:

  1. SOS services by all Regional Associations. (*and repeat for DAP, WCS, WMS)
  2. SOS services by Federal data providers (repeat for DAP, etc)
  3. Others...
carmelortiz commented 9 years ago

Turns out this feature already exists, via the Explore>Services menu selection.