ioos / service-monitor

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Add "number of organizations" to the "IOOS-by-the-Numbers" page #465

Open rsignell-usgs opened 6 years ago

rsignell-usgs commented 6 years ago

I was just writing about IOOS and I went looking for the total number of organizations. Could not find it.

This would be:
17 federal agencies + all the academic, state, local, commercial, non-profits that make up the 11 RAs.

Do we have such a list?

I asked a similar question to the ioos_tech google group earlier this year:

It looks like NANOOS has about 65 members:

If that is representative of RAs, then IOOS would have about 65*11 + 17 = 732 organizations, which would be impressive!

mwengren commented 6 years ago

@rsignell-usgs Probably too late, but I think you're looking for this:


That is all I know of.

rsignell-usgs commented 6 years ago

@mwengren, is the site that does NOT list the number of organizations. Sure would be useful though! It only lists 11 regional associations and 17 federal agencies.