iopietro / Travianz-Legacy

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i think game can be hacked #528

Closed agony09 closed 6 years ago

agony09 commented 6 years ago

I think you can still hack the game. I was attacked several times by the same player who suddenly destroyed my village and my army. Suddenly, these players had very many and all kinds of troops and trebuchet. Only 1 hour before he had only very few soldiers.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Please, send screenshots and provide infromations about those players.

agony09 commented 6 years ago

City is from this Player is Game of Thrones

eliopinho commented 6 years ago


@iopietro no need prints, that player was me, and i do not hack anything.. i join the server to test it, since i join hes start attack me everyday, i just made an army and ide it until i give the numbers to destroy his capital.. and now he thinks i do not have any troop! because hes attack me every day and i do not have any troops there..

just noob player ;)


by the way @iopietro

this already fixed yes ? or just shadowss server not updated ?? print

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho Ahahah, good to know, lol. @agony09 The server should be hack proof.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho The server is not updated!

agony09 commented 6 years ago

Too bad that you are so arrogant. Yes, I am a beginner and have tried a lot. In the last few weeks every day to better understand the game. I even asked you by message how you did it suddenly to get so many troops at once. Because I wanted to learn. But of you there was only an arrogant answer, pity. This makes it hard for a beginner to learn. I'm definitely out.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@agony09 nobody was arrogant with you! i told you by message i do not hack anything! if you want to learn how to play just ask so!

after i told you i do not hack anything you just dont believe my word and go to here open a thread. one of my "jobs" here for free is look for bugs/rats/exploits/malfunctions and all of us are working for FREE, to make a full game bugless to everyone who just come here download and install it..... so we are arrogants ?!?

agony09 commented 6 years ago

I also spent my time testing it, but as a beginner. With the eyes of a beginner. There will always be players playing this game for the first time. And they see this with different eyes than the advanced. You do not have to worry, it was never my intention to steal anything here or anything like that. So far, I found this a very nice community. And if I noticed something in the game, I asked here or announced it here.

Your help in the message to my question was just "I'm a better player than you." Really very helpful, thank you. Then you had it as a "professional" needed to attack me within about 1 hour 28 times?

LOL - Right now you are attacking again 6 times. My village has no more buildings. I hope you enjoy it.

But let's close this topic because it will not help anyone.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@agony09 no my friend, nobody told you gona "steal" free source code. your help always welcome but do not think that people "work" here with you lies to you.. if all of us "work" together whats the point of lie!?

think outside the box ,

first : you have learn you to attack more advanced way just watching my attacks!? right ?

second : you have adquired more knowleage from the game itself and his mechanics..

its really so bad !? you do not lost anything, you won knowleage !!

agony09 commented 6 years ago

As I said, it does not help anyone to continue this conversation here ...

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

can close.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Will be updated tommorow

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Oh my god i will give you back your village let me know your username in game

eliopinho commented 6 years ago


iopietro commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho, Yep, it's fixed.