iopietro / Travianz-Legacy

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Farm List error #564

Open heloirf opened 5 years ago

heloirf commented 5 years ago

Adding villas to a farm list is not added.

*** in farmlist_addraid.tpl REMOVE LINE 46, 47, 48 $Wref = $database->getVilWref($_POST['x'], $_POST['y']); $WrefX = $_POST['x']; $WrefY = $_POST['y']; ADD LINE 45 $Wref = $database->getVilWref($WrefX, $WrefY);

*** in trooplist.tpl REMOVE LINE 21 if(in_array($i, [4, 14, 23])) continue;

ADD LINES 21...26

if(in_array($i, [4, 14, 23])) { ?> <input type="hidden" name ="t<?php echo $i; ?>" value="0" <?php
continue; }

  1. the operating system & version: windows 10 pro
  2. PHP version on the server: 7.2
  3. MySQL / MariaDB version on the server 5.5.32
iopietro commented 5 years ago

It should be fixed in 3b167c6. Remove your additions, try it and tell me if it's resolved (because I'm unable to test it right now).