iopleke / MMPLv2

Minecraft Mod Public License v2
31 stars 15 forks source link

slight tweak to distribution and dependency #3

Closed jadedcat closed 9 years ago

FayeAlephNil commented 9 years ago

I think my change is a teensy bit better

Michagogo commented 9 years ago

I'm not entirely sure how much the humorous language (dragons, cats, etc) belongs in a legal document like this...

jakimfett commented 9 years ago

I'm not entirely certain how you've survived this long, given that stunted sense of humor you're living with.

Michagogo commented 9 years ago

Eh? I don't have a stunted sense of humor, and I agree, it's funny. I'm just saying that this license is a legal document, and humor generally is not something that you want to include in legal documents.

jakimfett commented 9 years ago

It's a game. Why shouldn't the legal documents be full of humor? Doesn't make them any less legal, just means you can't sue us if a dragon attacks you.

This license is in the very beginning stages. We're throwing stuff at the walls, seeing what sticks. In a day or six, I'm going to go over it with a fine-toothed comb, and once I'm done with that, we'll be going through another round of revisions and modifications with the community.

Lastly, I'm going to run it past my lawyer, and get all the loopholes and legalese worked out. Then (most likely) the community will have another go at it, and then I'll get my lawyer to make a final revision of it.

All that to say...lighten up a bit, this isn't the final version, and avoiding dragon attacks are important stuff.

cuchaz commented 9 years ago

I don't mind a little humor at all. This is for games after all. Games are supposed to be fun. The Mojang EULA is written with a very light tone. It makes them feel a little bit more human I think.

Michagogo commented 9 years ago

I guess as long as you'll have a lawyer looking over it and making sure you don't accidentally slip in anything that might weaken it...