iopleke / Minechem

Chemical decomposition and synthesis in Minecraft
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Minetweaker Decomposer recipes not working. #809

Open Gambigobilla opened 8 years ago

Gambigobilla commented 8 years ago

As the title says, tested with in a fresh instance with without any other mods; Forge-1.7.10- Minechem-1.7.10- MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.0.3-303

Used script is cropped from minechem example script located from;

import mods.minechem.Decomposer; import mods.minechem.Synthesiser; import mods.minechem.Chemicals; import mods.minechem.Fuels; val H = minechem:minechemElement:1; val ice = minecraft:ice; val lead = ore:ingotLead; val glass = minecraft:glass; Decomposer.addRecipe(glass,[lead_10,ice_5,H]);

the script returns; ERROR: minechemtest.zs:9 > a method available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, any[])

Also the minetweaker example script lacks some semicolons at the end of some lines.

Edit: Recipe has asterikses but somehow github removes them, a clearer script can be found here;

draknyte1 commented 8 years ago

So, I can't get this to work either. Element vars named accordingly. Decomposer.removeRecipe(gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2817); Synthesiser.removeRecipe(gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2817); Decomposer.addRecipe(gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2817, 1.0, [[elementCl * 8, elementNa * 8]]); Synthesiser.addRecipe([null, null, null, null, elementNa * 8, elementCl * 8, null, null, null], gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2817, true, 300);

Blue64 commented 7 years ago

Code Tags include: (remove the spaces)

` ` `
for the opening, or
[ code ]
for the opening

you type the code that you need, then close the Code Tag with

[ / code ]
` ` `
again, remove spaces to actually implement.
Desktop View has a Preview Function, very useful toy make sure you don't accidentally ~Strikethrough~ your own message.
As you can see, this method also removes Word Wrap from the Code Chunk, useful for Crash Logs.

***Bold Italics***
**_Bold Italics_**
_**Bold Italics**_
**_`Bold Itallics in a Small Code Block`_**

then you simply type like normal on the line after the ``` (note that for it to function it needs to be the only thing on that line)

Blue64 commented 7 years ago

Also, you might also require ModTweaker (can be grabbed from CurseForge), it's a Mine Tweaker Add-On that focuses on the Mod Aspect of things.