iopleke / Minechem

Chemical decomposition and synthesis in Minecraft
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Minechem Synth ability upgrade (Feature Request) #830

Open Lithorn opened 8 years ago

Lithorn commented 8 years ago

As it stands the book can imprint a synth only once without the ability to change it unless you remove the book and switch your choice. This becomes quite tedious when there are tons of combinations, and it also means setting up daisy chains of synths just to get simple combinations going. Yes if you remember the combination or just use nei, that is an option but that's still tedious in wasting time.

How about allowing the Synthesis machine when holding a book, to be able to select different combinations through a list of possible known combinations based on whats currently placed in its inventory? An example could be, I have a stack of Oxygen, a stack of Hydrogen, and a stack of Silicon. The machine now allows me to click an icon (Production Icon? Or maybe a "Synth" button) that will bring up a list of combinations (H20, Silicon dioxide etc..) due to having discovered the combination as well as base elements through either doing the combination by memory or imprinting the book from examining an item from the microscope (Thus making the book a bit more important as well as handy)

Also a more advanced machine (I have not tried the "Advanced Minechem yet" could allow creating multiple combinations instead of just one? Say I ask to produce Chemical F, but it needs some of A, BC, and D, it will process those first as long as I have done them or scanned them before as well as having the base materials needed to form the combinaton. It would also be nice if we could add upgrades to give a little boost to the effeminacy (Luck?, Power use?)

Honestly I'd be happy with the machine just being able to switch through combinations with the click of a button. Have it bring up a list based on what you have "Unlocked", and to keep it from spamming you with selections, it should only list what you can create based on the materials either in the machine alone or both it and your own inventory.