iopleke / Minechem

Chemical decomposition and synthesis in Minecraft
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Fork to 1.10.2 [Question] #839

Open gameofblocksdev opened 7 years ago

gameofblocksdev commented 7 years ago

Hey there, I just checked out how the existing codebase goes with the latest 1.10.2 Forge. It's not TOO big a project to port it (I think), just a bit of find & replace for the newer API calls & implement the newer post 1.8 JSON based rendering system. The compendium might need a bit more work as the API it's using hasn't been ported over, but that's still not too big an issue.

Anyway, mind if I have a crack at porting it in my horribly insufficient spare time? I solemnly promise to not be a jerk! It's one of my favorite mod's and I'd love to have it working now that the migration away from 1.7.10 has started.

way2muchnoise commented 7 years ago

Sure you can port and PR it :D Main reason that it isn't ported is cause we have no time either. :'(

gameofblocksdev commented 7 years ago

Such is life haha. Ok cool, just thought I'd check & make sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. :)

way2muchnoise commented 7 years ago

Not at all. I just don't have the time for the actual porting. (cba to make jsons for all the things)

gameofblocksdev commented 7 years ago

Sooo.... after digging around the code and getting up to the point where I'm starting to get things working.......I'm kinda wanting to make a few changes. I've been deliberately looking over the mod again with a more critical eye. Here's a by no means comprehensive list of stuff I'd like to do:

-I'd kinda like to output solids, liquids & gases directly from the decomposer and not produce magical test tubes. That was weird. This is also to work with the various in-world interactions I'd like to see. Turning those outputs into actual fluids, blocks, dusts & gases (that are oredicted of course) would require dedicated forms of synthesiser. So a Crystaliser to make metal dusts, basic stone & diamonds, and similar synthesis machines for the other matter states. Being able to just randomly throw together atoms and make leather or something would be a more late-game thing, and even then restricted to vanilla items. I just want to remove more of the "Complicated EE2" feel. A good cobbleworks would still be able to produce an infinite amount of resources at end-game, so it should still be attractive to players. Making sure fluids are TiC smeltery compatible, gases work nicely with Mekanism etc would be a certainty.

-There's a ton of new effects I'd like to add. I.....don't even know where to begin haha.

-The polytool get's an overhaul. A hotkey to allow you to change out a "module", for different modes. You create the modules via infusing them with chemicals (similar effects to how it works currently). It also becomes a bit of a "wrench" item for assembling various bit's a & bobs.

-Removing outright damage from drugs in favor of an addiction system, similar in some ways to Thaumcraft warp. Short term advantages at the cost of long-term risks.

-Remember Witchery brews & infusions? Now wouldn't something similar make total sense in a mod like this? I think so. I'd also like ways to deal with players wearing DE armor haha :)

-Preventing radioisotope decay while still in a machine - cos that's just irritating. Giving the lead-lined cases much larger inventories. Some storage block that more or less just a bunch of barrels, but themed to fit a Laboratory build.

-The journal system is just odd. I mean, the only way you learn the various chemicals & drugs is AFTER you scan them. Meaning you have to look up the recipe in NEI anyway, meaning the journal is kinda pointless except as a weird recipe auto-crafting type thing. I'd rather redo it as a straight-up ingame guide, but maybe unlock more advanced compounds as players research vanilla items, and common modded stuff like ores. I'd probably just use GuideAPI. So a little like the Thaumcraft book, but more lean and no mini-game.

-A multiblock furnace /jk.

So yeah: The list of stuff I want to add/tweak/alter just keeps growing. I've also been chatting to an actual real-world chemist & Minechem fan who has suggested a bunch of changes to effects, new compounds, cool ideas for in-world interactions & crafting etc. it ok if I make this more or less a v6? My working title: "Minechem 6: Sciencing Intensifies". It's fine if it's not, I'd totally get that and I'll start fresh with my own project. I'm just envisioning the basic chemistry stuff staying the same (to a large degree), but the mod growing into a more overall Mad Science themed Thaumcraft-esque deal.

jakimfett commented 7 years ago

@gameofblocksdev just a heads up, I've got a Google Doc with a ton of info about what I was planning with v6. If you'd like to take a look, go ahead.

That being whatever you want. I'm done with Minecraft modding, so I can't really say I have a huge stake in where you take it.

Most importantly...have fun.

goldentreeink commented 7 years ago

If this project is still active, i would love to hear about it.

jakimfett commented 7 years ago

@penguinilik8 see my blogpost for my own status. I've yet to see any code for a port.

darthvader45 commented 7 years ago

@way2muchnoise Alrighty, is it all right if I fork it and carry the torch for this awesome mod? Just needs a quick port to 1.10.2 and make CofHCore a loose dependency (meaning it won't be flat-out required to run this mod), and make sure blocks have a Json model. Other than that, the majority will be picking out errors and calling to new stuff to make sure the blocks and items work as intended. Multiblocks will be a real pain, so they may not make the first update.

jakimfett commented 7 years ago

@darthvader45 Go nuts, it's open source, I'd love to see a pull request from you!

M0RGaming commented 7 years ago

@jakimfett Is it ok if I make another chem mod using these textures for 1.10. I'm making a chem mod anyways, its gonna be called Valence. I'm just really, really bad at drawing. I will put you in the credits for the mod. It's just, this mod is really good, and I would like to have a 1.10 version without having to go through thousands of files trying to fix a bunch of random errors, so I'm making a new mod. Please tell me if I can use the textures, thanks - M0R

darthvader45 commented 7 years ago

@M0RGaming It's open-source, go nuts. Hmm, maybe you can make it very similar and credit jakimfett for the idea and original code. I'd love to see this mod back in Minecraft, even in a new form.

M0RGaming commented 7 years ago

Cool Im planning on also adding other blocs to the game such as a particle accelerator Il link the mod on this page after its done. -M0R

darthvader45 commented 7 years ago

Alrighty, definitely have each element and being able to break down blocks and items into their corresponding elements, as well as combining them for something new. The one thing I wanted with the original mod is the fact that making meth should be dangerous. The combination of elements to make meth in a synthesizer should have a decent chance of making it explode (you know, like tnt?). Meth is highly explosive with the right conditions, as well as causing a fire.

AstraSpec commented 7 years ago

Been almost a month since the last comment. Would love to hear any progress made.

M0RGaming commented 7 years ago

@DarkVoidTV sorry didn't get much done because I had finals, but the basic version of it will probably be done by the time summer ends.

darthvader45 commented 7 years ago

Awww, hopefully I'll still have time to view it before another round of classes start.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:31 PM, M0RGaming wrote:

@DarkVoidTV sorry didn't get much done because I had finals, but the basic version of it will probably be done by the time summer ends.

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-- Golden rule in Minecraft: Never dig straight down.

AstraSpec commented 7 years ago

Nice. Thanks for quick reply

jakimfett commented 7 years ago

Let me know if you need anything from my end. I'm still puttering around working on getting mod autobuilding set up again.

darthvader45 commented 7 years ago

Well, welcome back to ZA WARUDO of modding again, jakimfett. Good to hear.

katant commented 6 years ago

Any news?

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago

sorry Ive been out of town without my computer for quite a bit, just got back 3 days ago. A basic version should be out soon, but it may take some time as I am currently quite busy.

AeonSake commented 6 years ago

@M0RGaming I understand that you do this in your spare time, but mind if I ask: where/how will you publish your build? Will you take over the project on curse etc. or create a new mod (e.g. Minechem - Reborn)? Just asking out of curiosity.

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago

Ya, il probably create it GitHub under the name 'Valence - Minechem Reborn', then when its done, il upload it to curse. Sorry about the delay, but I am currently quite busy and haven't got much done. Chances are, it won't be done soon, as this is actually my first time modding (though it isn't my first time using java/eclipse). When I'm done creating a 'stable' build, I'll link it on this page.

darthvader45 commented 6 years ago

Sounds cool. Hopefully lacing food with chemicals will return, as a modeler for the AVP mod by Ri5ux, namely cybercat5555, has greatly enjoyed it, particularly lacing food with potassium cyanide.

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago

I'll try to add that (shouldn't be that hard) but I know for sure that I will be adding either a particle accelerator or a cold fusion chamber (because I really don't know how a particle accelerator works) as well of the standard fusion chamber, then make the fusion chamber cap out at Iron or Cobalt, maybe add like a ritual or something to implode a star and fuse 2 elements together (it would probably destroy half the world or something).

darthvader45 commented 6 years ago Here's how it works. The ritual doesn't seem very safe, just the reason I wouldn't do it, or have it. If you want it, I'd say add some way to contain the ritual so that nothing important blows up.

Bennyboy1695 commented 6 years ago

@M0RGaming If you upload your progress to github then people can help you code it and get it out faster. I know i'd be willing to help get it up to date

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

@jakimfett I've always held MineChem and you in high esteem for putting forth your personal time and effort into such a great set of mods, especially since this one is one of my favorites (hard toss up between this and Particle Physics).

Now that I know why the updates stopped, I'd like to offer my expertise. Am I the best at Java? No. I haven't written anything in Java, but I am a capable Full Stack Developer who spends off hours working on A.I. (with little success). None the less, I'd like to see how many in this thread are still willing to participate in bringing MineChem to 1.12.

How many in this thread are willing to work with me on a solid fork?

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

I'd also like to shout out to @gameofblocksdev @Bennyboy1695 @M0RGaming and ask if there is any progress on your ends?

AstraSpec commented 6 years ago

@alexgurrola There hasn't been much activity here for a long time, so I wouldn't expect much has happened.

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the insight. I'll look into getting it compiled in the latest version of Forge and see which complaints the compiler throws at me to get my feet wet.

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago


I haven't worked on it in a while, due to me having a busy schedule, but I'm probably going to restart and maybe try to use item reg lib this time, to save time when adding the thousands of items in. I plan on restarting, as I have no idea of where I left off last time, and I was not far into the making of it, this time il probably start in 1.12.

When I finish the basics, I'll upload it to github, and link the rep here.

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago


I've refactored a lot of it for 1.12, over the last day. I'm new to Java, but not new to programming, so I've actually gotten as far as dealing with the actual code errors, since I had to refactor a lot of the Gradle libraries for the newest format and all the Maven repositories I could find. They are sooo much easier to work with than Ivy, by far... Anyway, as soon as I get the last few references cranked out, I should be able to finish compiling it, but will likely have to disable a few things until they can be rewritten.

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

Actually, after raising the Max Errors returning from the Java Compiler, I'm down to 631.

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago

@alexgurrola I've actually had some issues with extracting the 1.12 mdk into an eclipse workspace, and I have no idea of what I did to do it before, I'll be taking a closer look at it tomorrow, as I have tomorrow free.

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

@M0RGaming Thanks much. I'm gonna start committing the work in small increments, starting with Gradle and working my way down through each folder, as the errors clear up. This will save a lot of time in which I was banging my head against my desk trying to get the libraries to load and the development workspace to start functioning.

alexgurrola commented 6 years ago

@jakimfett Can you create a branch of 1.12.2, so I can create a Pull Request from my fork at alexgurrola/Minechem?

M0RGaming commented 6 years ago

Hey, so I decided to make a Discord channel, so we can communicate easier than a GitHub issue, here's the link:

I also compiled the MDK for eclipse, and the GitHub Rep is located at

Tomorrow I will be adding a bunch of elements and items, so if someone wants to work on the blocks, feel free.

When adding to the mod (and pushing to source) remember to add your name to the author's list in the file

As of right now, the website is located under the gh-pages branch of my rep, and is under the custom domain,

Bennyboy1695 commented 6 years ago

@alexgurrola i had a semi working 1.10.2 version but was unable to fix its issues due to be required elsewhere. I would be more then happy to help you with a 1.12 version.

AstraSpec commented 6 years ago

Glad people are working on this project again :)

darthvader45 commented 6 years ago

Same. Cannot wait to lace food. Maybe compat with Jurassicraft and have food laced with lysine be a requirement for dinos? I'd love to see that.

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 9:33 AM, DarkVoidTV wrote:

Glad people are working on this project again :)

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-- Golden rule in Minecraft: Never dig straight down.

Breadabix commented 3 years ago

Hi, I realise this is really old now, but does anyone have a working version of minechem for 1.12.2? I can only find a version that is outdated in content compared to the latest 1.7 version. Thanks

jakimfett commented 3 years ago

@Breadabix while I don't know exactly what is in my server archive, and I'm weeks away from delving to the bottom of that, but when I find the mod files I've got, I will put any Minechem ones up in the "releases" tab for download.

Did CurseForge stop working, or...?