ios-control / ios-sim

Command-line application launcher for the iOS Simulator
Apache License 2.0
1.49k stars 253 forks source link

Can't launch on phonegap projet #8

Closed sylvinus closed 9 years ago

sylvinus commented 12 years ago

Xcode 4.2 Phonegap 0.9.6

Followed the steps of the Phonegap Tutorial

I get this:

sylvain-zimmers-macbook-pro-2:tedxparis sylvinus$ ios-sim launch ./ --verbose
[DEBUG] App Spec: <DTiPhoneSimulatorApplicationSpecifier 0x10021e310> specified by path /Users/sylvinus/w/joshfire/mytv/xcode/tedxparis
[DEBUG] SDK Root: <DTiPhoneSimulatorSystemRoot 0x10021cbb0> path=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.0.sdk version=5.0 name=Simulator - iOS 5.0
[DEBUG] Creating named pipe at `/tmp/iphonesim-stderr-pipe-1311428558'
[DEBUG] Creating named pipe at `/tmp/iphonesim-stdout-pipe-1311428558'
[DEBUG] using device family iphone
[DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0x103303e30 "Unknown error."

in console :

7/23/11 3:42:35 PM[274]  ([8106]) Exited with exit code: 1
7/23/11 3:42:38 PM[274]  ( Unknown key for boolean: HighPriorityIO
7/23/11 3:42:38 PM[274]  ( Conflict with job: over Mach service:
7/23/11 3:42:38 PM[274]  ( Unknown key for boolean: HighPriorityIO
7/23/11 3:42:39 PM  vot[8147]   ******** AX INSPECTOR MODE ************
7/23/11 3:42:39 PM[8144] NOTICE,Location icon should now not be visible
mschulkind commented 12 years ago

Works fine with PhoneGap for me. I normally get this error when I've been using Xcode to run my app directly as well. Make sure you hit stop in Xcode, then quit the simulator and try again.

mattlanham commented 12 years ago

I've also just experienced this error:

[DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 "Unknown error." UserInfo=0x100129d30 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown error., DTiPhoneSimulatorUnderlyingErrorCodeKey=-1}
shazron commented 9 years ago

Closing. If this is still a problem with 1.9, you should re-open.