iosscripts / iosslider

iosslider is a jQuery plugin which allows you to integrate a customizable, cross-browser content slider into your web presence. Designed for use as a content slider, website banner, or image gallery.
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Need advice #340

Closed unematiii closed 10 years ago

unematiii commented 10 years ago

What would be the easiest way of adding horizontal gap between slides, say 20px, while preserving responsivness and without losing space (setting margin or padding decreases the width of the .slide div)?

I have

.slide {
    width: 100%:
    height: 100%;


     // ...., 
    responsiveSlides : true,
    responsiveSlideContainer : true,
     //  ....
marcwhitbread commented 10 years ago

You want a 20px gap off screen in between slides?

unematiii commented 10 years ago

Actually slightly more, double than this. For 20px, I could just set padding-left & right. Unfortunately, adding more would shrink the div too much on small res. devices. I'm using v1.3.24 (12/19/2013, commercial licence).

marcwhitbread commented 10 years ago

What about bumping the .iosslider element out the extra px you need and adding margin-left/right to the slides? For small devices, use a media query to set the margin to something smaller.

It's still hard to visualize what you are trying to do so I apologize if I'm off base.

unematiii commented 10 years ago

Imagine you have a reponsive slider on iPhone (fills the entire screen), the .slide divs are positioned side by side if no margin or padding is applied. I could add 10px of padding to both sides, however I'd like the spacing between the slides to be at least 40px. Adding margins to right/left would just make the slide smaller and leave the extra empty space visible on screen.

unematiii commented 10 years ago

Would setting the margin(s) & manually resizing the .iosslider element to desired width (oldWidth + noOfSlides * 40) do the trick? When should I resize the container, on sliderLoad?

marcwhitbread commented 10 years ago

I think what you will need to do is create an element outside your slider:

<div class = 'bump-out'>
    <div class = 'inner'>

        <div class = 'iosslider'>...</div>


And some LESS:

.bump-out {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

    > .inner {
        position: absolute;
        left: -20px;
        right: -20px;

        .iosslider {
            width: 100%; /* this will be clipped by the above left/right values */

            .slider {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;

                .slide {
                    width: 100%;
                    margin: 0 20px;

Maybe something like that?

unematiii commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much! That did the trick!