According to the log, apparently the node is not able to connect to peers. And seemingly seed nodes with ids 12D3KooWKyh6BH5i66g4bBFgbJoNF97jvB1soXSg17zw8Hj1Mq5j, 12D3KooWHRi93eskqrYzxfToHccmgd4Ng7u2QH1e7Cz3X2M6dHVR are not working.
Is there a snapshot for testnet?
It seems there have been a similar issue here and it was solved by using an updated snapshot.
Any other feedback would be helpful too. Thank you.
Hello, I have a few questions related to node sync in testnet.
I'm running a node with details below.
They stopped syncing and I could see errors below.
So the questions are
are not working.Any other feedback would be helpful too. Thank you.