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update setup script to detect AM2320 or DHT20 #74

Closed iot-root closed 3 weeks ago

iot-root commented 3 weeks ago

Need to create setup script to update .env with correct sensor.

ideally during setup we detect the whether AM2320 or DHT20, then we set TEMP_HUMIDTY_SENSOR_TYPE in .env, which is consumed by

Example code for env variable switch

This module provides functionality to read humidity and temperature values from the AM2320 or DHT20 sensors using the Adafruit libraries.
The CachedSensor class caches the readings for 2 seconds to avoid redundant reads.

import time
import board
import adafruit_ahtx0
import adafruit_am2320
import os

class CachedSensor:
    Base class for sensors that caches the readings for a specified duration.
    def __init__(self, sensor, cache_duration=2):
        Initialize the CachedSensor object.

        :param sensor: Sensor object
        :param cache_duration: Duration to cache the sensor reading, default is 2 seconds
        self._sensor = sensor
        self._cache_duration = cache_duration
        self._last_read_time = 0
        self._cached_humidity = None
        self._cached_temperature = None

    def _read_humidity(self):
        Fetch the humidity reading. Needs to be implemented by subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _read_temperature(self):
        Fetch the temperature reading. Needs to be implemented by subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_humidity(self):
        Get the cached humidity reading. If the cached value is older than the cache duration,
        fetch a new reading.

        :return: Humidity reading (float)
        current_time = time.time()
        if current_time - self._last_read_time > self._cache_duration or self._cached_humidity is None:
            self._cached_humidity = self._read_humidity()
            self._cached_temperature = self._read_temperature()
            self._last_read_time = current_time
        return self._cached_humidity

    def get_temperature(self):
        Get the cached temperature reading. If the cached value is older than the cache duration,
        fetch a new reading.

        :return: Temperature reading (float)
        current_time = time.time()
        if current_time - self._last_read_time > self._cache_duration or self._cached_temperature is None:
            self._cached_humidity = self._read_humidity()
            self._cached_temperature = self._read_temperature()
            self._last_read_time = current_time
        return self._cached_temperature

class HumidityTemperatureSensor(CachedSensor):
    Sensor class for reading humidity and temperature values.
    def _read_humidity(self):
        Fetch the humidity reading from the sensor.

        :return: Humidity value (float)
        return self._sensor.relative_humidity

    def _read_temperature(self):
        Fetch the temperature reading from the sensor.

        :return: Temperature value (float)
        return self._sensor.temperature

humidity_temperature_sensor = None
def main(sensor_type):
        i2c = board.I2C()

        # Initialize the sensor based on sensor_type
        if sensor_type == "DHT20":
                base_sensor = adafruit_ahtx0.AHTx0(i2c, address=0x38)
                humidity_temperature_sensor = HumidityTemperatureSensor(base_sensor)
                print("DHT20 sensor initialized.")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Failed to initiate DHT20 sensor: {e}")
                raise e

        elif sensor_type == "AM2320":
                base_sensor = adafruit_am2320.AM2320(i2c)
                humidity_temperature_sensor = HumidityTemperatureSensor(base_sensor)
                print("AM2320 sensor initialized.")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Failed to initiate AM2320 sensor: {e}")
                raise e

            print(f"Unknown sensor type specified: {sensor_type}")
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported sensor type: {sensor_type}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error initializing sensors: {e}")

    if humidity_temperature_sensor:
            humidity = humidity_temperature_sensor.get_humidity()
            temperature = humidity_temperature_sensor.get_temperature()
            print(f"humidity, value={humidity:.2f}")
            print(f"temperature, value={temperature:.2f}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("Script interrupted.")
        print("No humidity sensor available.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sensor_type = "AM2320"