iota-community / IOTA-eXperience-Team

The IOTA Experience Team is a top-level team in the IOTA Project focused on community-facing efforts.
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[Proposal] Goshimmer dRNG Committee Governance #11

Open MaKla89 opened 3 years ago

MaKla89 commented 3 years ago

Some initial thoughts on our 'homework' about community governance (severely inspired by uniswap & honeyswap communities):

By what means should Community Members be able to gain trust (= Governance Power)?

Implementation ideas:

Hint: Both Uniswap & Honeyswap use governance-tokens that have value. I don‘ t know why you’d want to go that way if you really only want to give voting-power equal to project- & community-contribution. That’s why I’d at least start with ‚worthless‘ tokens for governance power.

What is supposed to be governed? What kind of decisions are relevant enough to actually be voted on by the community?

MaKla89 commented 3 years ago

This is a nice concept / idea about acknowledging community members that have continuously contributed:

Part of the governance-process was to also vote on whether this idea is to be implemented or not!

For the sake future availability here's a copy of the main contributions from (originally) "spadaboom":

Overview: Badger has made significant progress since its launch just over two months ago on 12/3/20 going from 0 to $1.9b TVL, reaching #8 on defipulse DeFi rankings, and having one of the largest treasuries in DeFi. It has made it to this point through the hard work of the original founding seeders and the community members that have stepped up across the board - from drafting and moderating proposals, managing the community and driving the design of the product to writing and pushing code for core badger products. An amazing amount has been accomplished but the team and the community have even higher goals for the long term. The treasury has plenty of assets secured to reach those goals but the majority of labor contributing to the project are working for month to month grants, some while juggling full time day jobs. Recent emissions proposals like the emissions extension and badger boost have been focused on monetary sustainability while this proposal is focused on labor sustainability.

We are proposing an initial model for long term compensation for core team members that have contributed greatly to Badger. If the model is accepted by the community we are also suggesting to bring on 11 team members into long term either full or part time roles. We consider this critical to Badger’s future. This BIP proposes a framework for retaining long-term/core contributors and enabling them to focus on building BadgerDAO’s future.

As a reminder, the Badger Grants Program is a great first step in structuring our contributor and developer pipeline and will continue to be active going forward. We Badgers understand the sheer volume of potential and untapped talent not only within the Badger community but also in the greater DeFi ecosystem. The Grants Program will continue to be structured/formalized as the onramp for new contributors that want to get involved and over-time with good performance, they may join this longer-term core-contributor structure as well.

The Badger Seeders and core contributors have drafted an initial framework for determining compensation for a core team to be funded by the treasury for 1 year. This framework applies to long-term, core contributors to operations and development. For roles that are more project-based or temporary in nature, they will fall under the Badger Grants Program.

The team, for compensation purposes, will be structured by 3 tiers: Senior, Mid, and Junior and divided into two categories: Operations and Development. Further, long term contributors can be in full time or part time roles with compensation adjusted accordingly.

It is important to note that there are also core contributors that we refer to as “Badger Seeders” that will not fall under this framework as they will be compensated via the initial Team allocation of BADGER and DIGG.

As of now, there are 11 core contributors that will be part of this framework.

Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 12.36.50 PM Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 12.36.50 PM 702×266 15.1 KB All compensations will be distributed 50/50 in USDC/BADGER with a pegged price determined by 1) their level of contribution 2) when they began contributing. . If there are ever legal fees in relation to contributors’ work, BadgerDAO will cover these fees

For the purposes of this cohort of long-term, core contributors, I am proposing a total of $1,230,000 in stablecoins (USDC) and 138,667 in Badger to be allocated for distribution over the course of 1 year. This represents ~1.65% of the Badger Treasury to secure the core badger team for the next 12 months.

Distribution All payments (Stable+Badger) to be paid daily through the badger tree $20k recurring yearly “insurance stipend” for full-time contributors. This is to cover those that will be leaving their jobs and must now procure their own health insurances Up to $3k in tax fees paid with proof of receipt Performance Management Primarily an honor system for continued contributions with council of Seeders + Senior Core to determine quarterly performance levels / satisfaction Anybody part of “Junior” level can be considered for promotion based on performance each quarter Additions to the team, promotions, demotions, and retiring of contributors are subject to DAO vote This is an initial proposal to ratify a model and secure a base of contributors to badger for the next 12 months. The model will continue to evolve through contributor and community feedback. Once there has been initial approval and implementation, there will be effort and attention put into building clearer paths for people to join as long term contributors. The grants program will continue as a way to incentivize contribution from those not part of this initial proposal.