Thank you for helping us to improve the IOTA Documentation!
So that we can better assist you, please note the following:
If you have a question about the functioning of any IOTA product, join the discussion on our IOTA Discord. There, you can find channels like #documentation, #iri, #javascript, #mam and many others. We and the rest of the community will be happy to help!
If you found a bug or would like to suggest an improvement for a particular IOTA product, we encourage you to create an issue in the respective repository. For example, IRI lives in the IRI repository repository.
If you found something wrong with the documentation, or would like to improve something, please provide the information here, or feel free to submit a pull request with your suggested changes. We will review your contributions and update our documentation accordingly. Please see our contribution guidelines first.
Thank you for helping us to improve the IOTA Documentation!
So that we can better assist you, please note the following:
Documentation page name:
You can test it here:
What issue are you having, what is missing, what would you like to improve?:
When you use the version selector, the page should reload with the new content.
If a page does not exist in a version, we should probably just load the overview page.