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[Task] Investigate `bls12_381_plus` dependency type incompatibility #1380

Open eike-hass opened 1 month ago

eike-hass commented 1 month ago


The 0.8.16 version of bls12_381_plus introduces changes to type conversion that may break builds due to conflicting implementations of From trait.

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `From<bls12_381_plus::scalar::Scalar>` for type `Issuer`
  --> /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/
43 | / impl<T> From<T> for Issuer
44 | | where
45 | |   T: Into<Url>,
   | |_______________^
   = note: conflicting implementation in crate `bls12_381_plus`:
           - impl From<bls12_381_plus::scalar::Scalar> for <bls12_381_plus::scalar::Scalar as ark_ff::fields::prime::PrimeField>::BigInt;
Pinning this dependency to the previous version hotfixes build issues when used as an indirect dependency here (via [zkryptium](

Version should be able to opened up in the future. Pin implemented in #1278

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