iotaledger / one-click-tangle

"One Click Tangle" intends to make lives easier to IOTA adopters by providing pre-configured scripts and recipes that allow to deploy IOTA Networks and Nodes "in one click".
MIT License
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Private tangle install command failure. #68

Closed ABresting closed 2 years ago

ABresting commented 2 years ago

Bug description

Command failure while running the private tangle install script.

Docker and docker-compose version

Which version of Docker and docker-compose are you running?

Hardware specification

What hardware are you using?

Steps To reproduce the bug

Explain how the maintainer can reproduce the bug.

  1. clone one-click-tangle github repo
  2. install dependencies like docker and compose
  3. got to "~/one-click-tangle/hornet-private-net/" directory and run "./ install"

Expected behaviour

Normally a private tangle with a node, a spammer and a COO should be deployed and running.

Actual behaviour

the script exited with an error.


root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01:/one-click-tangle/hornet-private-net# ./ install Setting permissions for Hornet... Stopping containers... 62bdb6c710c48ea6b3dd6334c1f6caadbc33ecc093ca2e27d527cdb486c3e8cc Pulling coo ... done Pulling node ... done Pulling spammer ... done Pulling node-autopeering ... done Generating an initial snapshot... Creating hornet-private-net_node_run ... done ERROR: 1 root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01:~/one-click-tangle/hornet-private-net#

Also, inside the key-pair.txt file, the following was produced:

tool not found.

pwd-hash: generates a scrypt hash from your password and salt p2pidentity-gen: generates a p2p identity private key file p2pidentity-extract: extracts the p2p identity from the private key file ed25519-key: generates an ed25519 key pair ed25519-addr: generates an ed25519 address from a public key jwt-api: generates a JWT token for REST-API access snap-gen: generates an initial snapshot for a private network snap-merge: merges a full and delta snapshot into an updated full snapshot snap-info: outputs information about a snapshot file snap-hash: calculates the sha256 hash of the ledger state inside a snapshot file bench-io: benchmarks the IO throughput bench-cpu: benchmarks the CPU performance db-migration: migrates the database to another engine db-hash: calculates the sha256 hash of the ledger state of a database db-health: checks the health status of the database db-split: split a legacy database into tangle and utxo coo-fix-state: applies the latest milestone in the database to the coordinator state file

jmcanterafonseca-iota commented 2 years ago

this now should be fixed by forcing Hornet 1.0.5 as the image , please check @ABresting

ABresting commented 2 years ago

Issue resolved, docker ps output observed: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1894da8ded9e gohornet/hornet:1.0.5 "/app/hornet" 23 minutes ago Up 23 minutes>8081/tcp,>14265/tcp, 1883/tcp,>15600/tcp, 14626/udp node1 1c504673d14b gohornet/hornet:1.0.5 "/app/hornet" 23 minutes ago Up 23 minutes 1883/tcp, 8081/tcp, 14265/tcp, 15600/tcp, 14626/udp spammer 64583c015725 gohornet/hornet:1.0.5 "/app/hornet" 23 minutes ago Up 23 minutes 1883/tcp, 8081/tcp, 14265/tcp, 15600/tcp, 14626/udp coo 55b35d4a9799 gohornet/hornet:1.0.5 "/app/hornet" 23 minutes ago Up 23 minutes 1883/tcp, 8081/tcp, 14265/tcp, 15600/tcp,>14626/udp node-autopeering