iotempire / iotempower

IoTempower is a framework and environment for making the Internet of Things (IoT) accessible for everyone
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IoT assistant w/ LMs [NodeRED] #123

Open mbz4 opened 1 month ago

mbz4 commented 1 month ago

IDEA: use NodeRED w/ ollama... and build an IoT assistant

minimally require 3 components in the flow:

something to handle speech to text (STT), another thing for text to speech (TTS) and a language model (LM) inference on the local gateway; a few possible packages listed here:

Need also:

ulno commented 1 month ago

Already did successful integration of festival for tts and rhasspy for stt (check YouTube videos), maybe start from there?

For language recognition: or

For tts festival could be enough. Try Nina here: