iotexproject / halogrants

👟 Apply for a IoTeX Halo Grant. Help build the IoTeX ecosystem!
MIT License
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Proposal on developing project incubator #37

Open huangmeibao opened 3 years ago

huangmeibao commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your review

huangmeibao commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this proposal - this is a great initiative/project!

Will the final product looks like or or something else?

Sorry, I have been on vacation for 3 days recently

To your question: Yes, the initial version will have similar functionality, and later will have its own features (e.g. 1 defi related ecology, 2 Raise IOTX by producing IOTEX hardware devices)

huangmeibao commented 3 years ago

The first draft of the home page image

raullenchai commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the proposal - looks extremely interesting! We would like to invite your team to join discord - Once you joined, pls ping @simonerom to setup a private channel so we can work with you closely

guo commented 2 years ago

The idea is good. but to make this project successful, this proposal needs a better plan of sourcing high-quality projects to launch on the platform.

I would like to hear more from that part.

clairebiasco commented 2 years ago

Hi there! We are officially moving all Halo Grant proposals to our new community forum page and will no longer be accepting proposals on GitHub. If you are still interested in pursuing this project, please resubmit your proposal to the community page here according to the provided template:

Thank you!