iotux / ElWiz

ElWiz - a program to read data from Tibber Pulse and similar devices
MIT License
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make access to bridge easier #15

Open CONSULitAS opened 1 year ago

CONSULitAS commented 1 year ago


a really great documentation! I really appreciate your work.

A guy recently posted this guide:

If you set the parameter „webserver_force_enable“ to true while in AP mode, you can connect to the bridge even while connected to your WiFi.

This makes your guide even easier, because no reset and reboot needed for reconfiguration.

Only connect to the fresh/reseted device with your phone/tablet, change the parameter and everything is quite easy.

iotux commented 1 year ago

@CONSULitAS This is the first time I hear about a product called "Tibber Bridge". That may stem from the fact that only AMS meters with an HAN port is installed in nearly all Norwegian homes. The strict national regulations are the reason for that. In fact, only 3 AMS brands are nationally approved, all of which are required to have a HAN port.

As most other house owners, I am "lucky" to have the choice of exactly 1 (one) model of AMS meter, forced upon me by my local electric power supplier (who is also the only one supplier I can choose from, as do all other Norwegian owners).

This boils down to the fact that I have no opportunity to test other AMS meters than my own.

Before even thinking about documenting the configuration of other brands/types of meters, I need to know about to which degree the data from "Pulse Bridge" is compatible with the data from the legacy "Pulse". As far as I can see, the "Pulse Bridge" is an entirely different beast based on a different concept.

Then I would need samples of the data stream from to get any further. How this is attacked, is described in this issue (mostly in Norwegian language):

Unfortunately this can take some time. I am in Asia at a long time vacation, doing occational work on ElWiz on a laptop and mostly with bad internet connections far away from my MQTT broker and Pulse. So please don't expect much to happen before May at the earliest

Regardless, any additional useful information about "Pulse Bridge" would be greatly appreciated.

JMyrng commented 1 year ago

@iotux I can provide you with my data stream from the Tibber bridge if that helps. Is there any documentation about the used format?

iotux commented 1 year ago

@JMyrng A few samples from the data stream could prove helpful. If it is like the Norwegian HAN meters, It has 3 different packet types. Each streamed at 2-2.5 secs, 10 secs and 1 hour intervals. A few hex dumps from each of the packet types would be great.

If the format are similar to the HAN meters, this progrram will catch it and make hex dumps from the MQTT stream.

The program is made to reside in the ElWiz directory and should be run a minute or so before each hour.

It may be necessary to change the topic on line 74 to make this program work in your environment.

If the packet start sequence is different from 0x7e, this can be changed on line 80.

The program makes a directory ./hex where the hex files are stored. The content of the hex files can be pasted in a comment below.

Solving this issue could make ElWiz usable for much wider audience.

Thank you for offering your help!

JMyrng commented 1 year ago

Like mentioned here the message is a complete SML telegram in hex values. This message can be polled locally. There are some SML decoders out there that we can use for that purpose.

CONSULitAS commented 1 year ago

This is the first time I hear about a product called "Tibber Bridge".

On this Issue I learned, that our "Tibber Pulse IR" is different from the Norwegian Pulse. Interesting.

There seems to be a local API on http://tibber-bridge/data.json?node_id=1 mentioned there, too.

Now @micw made a tool to read this:

micw commented 1 year ago

I had planned to add the MQTT way too but no one asked for it yet. Seems that my users are happy with HTTP polling (and so do I since it's less invasive).

Would anyone of the norwegian device give my tool a try to confirm that this works too?