ipa-lab / hackingBuddyGPT

Helping Ethical Hackers use LLMs in 50 Lines of Code or less..
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Can I use hackingBuddyGPT for web pentesting? #63

Closed zinwelzl closed 3 weeks ago

zinwelzl commented 3 weeks ago


Can I use hackingBuddyGPT for web pentesting? I provide URL and hackingBuddyGPT set pentesting plan for me?

andreashappe commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, first things first: I am always talking about attacking a dedicated testing VM (that you own and control) or about a system that you are allowed to attack (and you have that in writing).

I mostly work on attacking linux systems right now, but @DianaStrauss and @Neverbolt are working on web pentesting --- their work is still quite young, so I'd suggest to keep watching their progress if you're interested into web pentesting.

hackingBuddyGPT does not generate a pen-testing plan but rather executes the pen-test itself (;

cheers, Andreas