Closed fmessmer closed 7 years ago
are you sure this is the base_controller? What I observed was just the simulated robot model slightly drifting in gazebo (independent of wheel positions and controller)
try to use cob_teleop and see if it works...
sorry, ignore my comment. Seems as the recently introduced commits broke driving the robot in gazebo. we'll have to investigate.
Why are the steer_target_velocity
that high? Is this rad/sec? @ipa-mdl
rostopic echo /base/twist_controller/wheel_commands
seq: 52189
secs: 52
nsecs: 923000000
frame_id: ''
drive_target_velocity: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
steer_target_velocity: [7.60710124957176, -10.0, -10.0]
steer_target_position: [0.0, -3.141592653589793, 0.0]
steer_target_error: [1.395496564844115, -2.722543136645081, -3.048259837630063]
Is the non-zero value in the
It's this line for cob4 and this line for raw3steer_target_position
some kind of "homing position"? Where is this defined?
In gazebo all joints are spawned at zero position...thus there is a big initial steer_target_error
...thus the steer_target_velocity
are high....
We either need to:
pluginthey seem to be drifting...needs investigation....
I had the same problem when we implemented the dynamic-reconfigure feature. For some reason it just works with you setup.
Is this rad/sec?
Of course ;)
or we try to spawn the wheels in gazebo at the correct starting position
+1 The starting postions point away from the base link. That's why the back wheel has a neutral position of 180 degrees
There seems to be something else: I can set the steer_joints to the desired neutral position (cob4-2) using
rosservice call /gazebo/set_model_configuration '{ model_name: "robot", urdf_param_name: "robot_description", joint_names: [ "fl_caster_rotation_joint", "b_caster_rotation_joint", "fr_caster_rotation_joint" ], joint_positions: [ 0.0, -3.141592653589793, 0.0 ] }'
the joint_states are then at the desired position, but still the wheels drift again...I also cannot use roslaunch cob_teleop teleop_keyboard.launch
Even if I comment the steer_neutral_position
from the yaml, the drifting occurs and I cannot drive...
For some reason it just works with you setup.
@ipa-mdl, I don't know why it seemed to work on my setup....
this commit seems to have broken moving the base in simulation: If I revert this, simulation is OK again. @ipa-mdl: any idea what might cause the troubles?
setting the effort limit back to 100
fixes the issue. see
@ipa-bfb: FYI fixed.
Awesome! Thanks ;)
as reported by @ipa-bfb they seem to be drifting...needs investigation....