ipa320 / cob_simulation

The cob_simulation stack includes packages to work with Care-O-bot within simulation environments, e.g. gazebo.
Apache License 2.0
73 stars 106 forks source link

cob3-9 Simulation #87

Closed xwhm closed 9 years ago

xwhm commented 9 years ago

Hallo IPA320 Team,

ich verwende derzeit die cob3-9 Simulationsumgebung und habe einige Fragen.

1.) Nachdem roslaunch cob_bringup_sim robot.launch gestartet wurde möchte ich gerne die unten stehende Fehler und Warnings beseitigen. Ich habe Ihnen die relevanten Stellen makiert. Siehe Output: started roslaunch server



NODES /head/ control_mode_adapter (cob_control_mode_adapter/cob_control_mode_adapter_node) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) head_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) /laser_top/ scanner_top_filter (cob_sick_s300/cob_scan_filter) /arm/ arm_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) control_mode_adapter (cob_control_mode_adapter/cob_control_mode_adapter_node) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) /base/ base_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) / cam3d_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet) cam3d_relay_depth_camera_info (topic_tools/relay) cam3d_relay_depth_image (topic_tools/relay) cam3d_relay_depth_points (topic_tools/relay) cam3d_relay_rgb_image_color (topic_tools/relay) cam3d_throttle (nodelet/nodelet) collision_velocity_filter (cob_collision_velocity_filter/collision_velocity_filter) dashboard_aggregator (cob_dashboard/cob_dashboard_aggregator.py) diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node) fake_diagnostics_10_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3941014138114605440 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_11_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_1107162076869796497 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_12_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6698137789640055230 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_13_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_7619973164608648128 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_14_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6056026030110910228 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_15_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_8750817625441987613 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_16_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6781473151218065481 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_1_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6460195751393873566 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_2_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_5042402176341253436 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_3_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_306590554169865777 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_4_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6007515498775655099 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_5_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6511378542821910101 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_6_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3570609751587185811 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_7_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_1731199736075799687 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_8_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3525092982419577366 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) fake_diagnostics_9_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_175561739850630372 (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/fake_diagnostics.py) footprint_observer (cob_footprint_observer/footprint_observer) gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver) gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient) gazebo_topics (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_topics.py) joint_state_publisher (joint_state_publisher/joint_state_publisher) light (cob_light/cob_light) local_costmap_node (costmap_2d/costmap_2d_node) robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher) spawn_gazebo_model (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) voltage_filter (cob_voltage_control/savitzky_golay.py) /tray_sensors/ tray_sensors (cob_phidgets/simulated_range_sensors.py) /gripper/ control_mode_adapter (cob_control_mode_adapter/cob_control_mode_adapter_node) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) gripper_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) /sound/ sound_node (cob_sound/sound) /torso/ control_mode_adapter (cob_control_mode_adapter/cob_control_mode_adapter_node) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) torso_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) /relayboard/ relayboard_node (cob_relayboard/relayboard_sim.py) /laser_rear/ scanner_rear_filter (cob_sick_s300/cob_scan_filter) /tray/ control_mode_adapter (cob_control_mode_adapter/cob_control_mode_adapter_node) gazebo_services (cob_controller_configuration_gazebo/gazebo_services.py) tray_controller_spawner (controller_manager/controller_manager) /laser_front/ scanner_front_filter (cob_sick_s300/cob_scan_filter)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [651] ROS_MASTER_URI=

setting /run_id to 103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf process[rosout-1]: started with pid [664] started core service [/rosout] running rosparam delete /objects //------- Fehler A ----------- ERROR: parameter [/objects] is not set running rosparam delete /diagnostic_aggregator/diagnostic_aggregator/ //------- Fehler B ----------- ERROR: parameter [/diagnostic_aggregator/diagnostic_aggregator] is not set process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [691] process[gazebo_gui-3]: started with pid [697] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 2.2.5 Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Open Source Robotics Foundation. Released under the Apache 2 License. http://gazebosim.org

Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 2.2.5 Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Open Source Robotics Foundation. Released under the Apache 2 License. http://gazebosim.org

process[spawn_gazebo_model-4]: started with pid [730] [ INFO] [1439833247.598177235]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1439833247.602863653]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... Msg Waiting for master Msg Connected to gazebo master @ Msg Publicized address: Msg Waiting for master Msg Connected to gazebo master @ Msg Publicized address: process[robot_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [755] /opt/ros/indigo/lib/robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher spawn_model script started [ INFO] [1439833248.448771487, 0.023000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available. [ INFO] [1439833248.498572181, 0.068000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833248.498679] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833248.518587] [0.079000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833248.520763] [0.090000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model process[joint_state_publisher-6]: started with pid [915] process[base/gazebo_services-7]: started with pid [971] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833250.111930] [0.000000] gazebo_services running process[base/base_controller_spawner-8]: started with pid [1014] process[laser_front/scanner_front_filter-9]: started with pid [1037] process[laser_rear/scanner_rear_filter-10]: started with pid [1073] process[laser_top/scanner_top_filter-11]: started with pid [1106] process[head/gazebo_services-12]: started with pid [1135] [ INFO] [1439833252.668075285, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833252.668403142, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833252.688169727, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833253.008592] [0.000000] gazebo_services running process[head/head_controller_spawner-13]: started with pid [1166] [ INFO] [1439833253.398371554, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833253.398470804, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833253.420722464, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" process[head/control_mode_adapter-14]: started with pid [1192] [ INFO] [1439833253.621437626]: waitForService: Service [/head/controller_manager/load_controller] has not been advertised, waiting... process[arm/gazebo_services-15]: started with pid [1221] [ INFO] [1439833254.169245473, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.169303124, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833254.187570966, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833254.440185] [0.000000] gazebo_services running process[arm/arm_controller_spawner-16]: started with pid [1257] [ INFO] [1439833254.712564297, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.848241337, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.855056106, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.855547637, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.855593803, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833254.870277370, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1439833254.871864632, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.871925036, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833254.877329649, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1439833254.900465895, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.900654883, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833254.910504673, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1439833254.934379743, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1439833254.938289633, 3.298000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)! [ INFO] [1439833254.941717680, 3.298000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833254.944338] [3.298000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model process[arm/control_mode_adapter-17]: started with pid [1297] [ INFO] [1439833255.103687752]: waitForService: Service [/arm/controller_manager/load_controller] has not been advertised, waiting... Unhandled exception in thread started by sys.excepthook is missing lost sys.stderr [spawn_gazebo_model-4] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/spawn_gazebomodel-4.log [ INFO] [1439833255.326367293, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1439833255.421289893, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1439833255.521508156, 3.298000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" process[gripper/gazebo_services-18]: started with pid [1358] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833256.129058] [0.000000] gazebo_services running process[gripper/gripper_controller_spawner-19]: started with pid [1453] process[gripper/control_mode_adapter-20]: started with pid [1489] [ INFO] [1439833256.833048555]: waitForService: Service [/gripper/controller_manager/load_controller] has not been advertised, waiting... process[torso/gazebo_services-21]: started with pid [1575] process[torso/torso_controller_spawner-22]: started with pid [1587] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833257.646797] [0.000000] gazebo_services running process[torso/control_mode_adapter-23]: started with pid [1616] [ INFO] [1439833258.106302885]: waitForService: Service [/torso/controller_manager/load_controller] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1439833258.288150153, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833258.288569165, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833258.288677655, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: base [ INFO] [1439833258.289965639, 3.298000000]: gazebo_ros_control plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [/robot_description] on the ROS param server. [ INFO] [1439833258.406705430, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 8 [ INFO] [1439833258.463443210, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. [ INFO] [1439833258.463824697, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833258.463989436, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833258.464138419, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: tray process[tray/gazebo_services-24]: started with pid [1672] [ INFO] [1439833258.592509761, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 1 [ INFO] [1439833258.677212012, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. [ INFO] [1439833258.677794627, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833258.677987806, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833258.678131135, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: torso Loaded joint_state_controller [ INFO] [1439833258.799943396, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 3 Loaded twist_controller Loaded odometry_controller [ INFO] [1439833258.944209334, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. [ INFO] [1439833258.944615266, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833258.944698161, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833258.944753579, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: arm process[tray/tray_controller_spawner-25]: started with pid [1769] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833259.053881] [0.000000] gazebo_services running [ INFO] [1439833259.076236154, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 7 Loaded joint_state_controller [ INFO] [1439833259.250748326, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. [ INFO] [1439833259.251191004, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833259.251350795, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833259.251490308, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: head [ INFO] [1439833259.381542558, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 1 [ INFO] [1439833259.460315654, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. [ INFO] [1439833259.460701455, 3.298000000]: Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin [ INFO] [1439833259.460790877, 3.298000000]: Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: "joint_names" [ INFO] [1439833259.460846415, 3.298000000]: Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: gripper process[tray/control_mode_adapter-26]: started with pid [1855] Loaded joint_state_controller [ INFO] [1439833259.599603981, 3.298000000]: JointFiltering is enabled! DoF: 1 [ INFO] [1439833259.655708320, 3.298000000]: Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control. Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully Warning [Publisher.cc:134] Queue limit reached for topic /gazebo/default/pose/local/info, deleting message. This warning is printed only once. [ INFO] [1439833259.702061962, 3.337000000]: waitForService: Service [/arm/controller_manager/load_controller] is now available. [ INFO] [1439833259.710648042, 3.337000000]: waitForService: Service [/head/controller_manager/load_controller] is now available. [ INFO] [1439833259.714622229, 3.335000000]: waitForService: Service [/gripper/controller_manager/load_controller] is now available. [ INFO] [1439833259.728037288, 3.337000000]: waitForService: Service [/torso/controller_manager/load_controller] is now available. Started ['twist_controller'] successfully [arm/arm_controller_spawner-16] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/arm-arm_controllerspawner-16.log [torso/torso_controller_spawner-22] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/torso-torso_controllerspawner-22.log [ INFO] [1439833259.940656817, 3.373000000]: joint_trajectory_controller loaded process[tray_sensors/tray_sensors-27]: started with pid [2146] Loaded joint_state_controller [ INFO] [1439833260.536548044, 3.504000000]: joint_trajectory_controller loaded Loaded joint_state_controller Started ['odometry_controller'] successfully process[sound/sound_node-28]: started with pid [2304] [ INFO] [1439833260.828811207]: sound node started [base/base_controller_spawner-8] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/base-base_controllerspawner-8.log [ INFO] [1439833260.940906580, 3.577000000]: joint_trajectory_controller loaded [ INFO] [1439833260.978459420, 3.578000000]: Switched Controllers. From no_stop_controller_defined to joint_trajectory_controller [ INFO] [1439833261.103544485, 3.597000000]: joint_trajectory_controller loaded Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully [ INFO] [1439833261.115923888, 3.598000000]: Switched Controllers. From no_stop_controller_defined to joint_trajectory_controller [ INFO] [1439833261.116614629, 3.599000000]: Switched Controllers. From no_stop_controller_defined to joint_trajectory_controller [head/head_controller_spawner-13] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/head-head_controllerspawner-13.log [tray/tray_controller_spawner-25] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/tray-tray_controllerspawner-25.log [ INFO] [1439833261.357196145, 3.653000000]: joint_trajectory_controller loaded [ INFO] [1439833261.368441801, 3.657000000]: Switched Controllers. From no_stop_controller_defined to joint_trajectory_controller Loaded joint_state_controller [ INFO] [1439833261.391143498, 3.662000000]: Switched Controllers. From no_stop_controller_defined to joint_trajectory_controller Started ['joint_state_controller'] successfully process[light-29]: started with pid [2555] //------------ Warnung A ------------ [ WARN] [1439833261.478869300]: Parameter 'marker_frame' is missing. Using default Value: /base_link [ INFO] [1439833261.548049998]: Open Port on /dev/ttyLed //------------ Warnung B ------------ [ WARN] [1439833261.548182269]: Serial connection on /dev/ttyLed failed. //------------ Warnungg C ------------ [ WARN] [1439833261.548260435]: Simulation mode enabled [ INFO] [1439833261.555210001]: Executing new mode: StaticMode [ INFO] [1439833261.555459730]: Mode StaticMode finished [gripper/gripper_controller_spawner-19] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/xiao/.ros/log/103d3842-4507-11e5-83a7-4c0f6efd8dbf/gripper-gripper_controller_spawner-19*.log process[local_costmap_node-30]: started with pid [2649] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833262.291221] [4.012000] adding sensor converting from topic 'range_1_sim' to topic 'range_1' [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833262.300147] [4.013000] adding sensor converting from topic 'range_2_sim' to topic 'range_2' [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833262.307824] [4.016000] adding sensor converting from topic 'range_3_sim' to topic 'range_3' [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833262.315995] [4.017000] adding sensor converting from topic 'range_4_sim' to topic 'range_4' [ INFO] [1439833262.430259951, 4.057000000]: Loading from pre-hydro parameter style [ INFO] [1439833262.498747230, 4.077000000]: Using plugin "obstacle_layer" [ INFO] [1439833262.646237242, 4.127000000]: Subscribed to Topics: laser_scan_sensor_front laser_scan_sensor_rear laser_scan_sensor_top process[footprint_observer-31]: started with pid [2781] [ INFO] [1439833262.840230742, 4.188000000]: Using plugin "inflation_layer" process[collision_velocity_filter-32]: started with pid [2987] process[voltage_filter-33]: started with pid [3090] process[diagnostic_aggregator-34]: started with pid [3096] process[dashboard_aggregator-35]: started with pid [3168] process[cam3d_relay_rgb_image_color-36]: started with pid [3335] [ INFO] [1439833266.331023366, 5.297000000]: advertised as /cam3d/rgb/image_color

process[cam3d_relay_depth_image-37]: started with pid [3444] [ INFO] [1439833266.810856243, 5.476000000]: advertised as /cam3d/depth/image

process[cam3d_relay_depth_points-38]: started with pid [3473] [ INFO] [1439833267.442938284, 5.701000000]: advertised as /cam3d/depth/points process[cam3d_relay_depth_camera_info-39]: started with pid [3501] [ INFO] [1439833267.805905891, 5.824000000]: advertised as /cam3d/depth/camera_info process[cam3d_nodelet_manager-40]: started with pid [3531] [ INFO] [1439833268.391680353]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads. process[cam3d_throttle-41]: started with pid [3559] [ INFO] [1439833268.990351124]: Loading nodelet /cam3d_throttle of type cob_cam3d_throttle/Cam3DThrottle to manager cam3d_nodelet_manager with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1439833268.990456674]: /cloud_in -> /cam3d/depth/points [ INFO] [1439833268.990500954]: /cloud_out -> /cam3d_throttled/depth/points [ INFO] [1439833268.990539961]: /depth_image_in -> /cam3d/depth/image_raw [ INFO] [1439833268.990577566]: /depth_image_out -> /cam3d_throttled/depth/image_raw [ INFO] [1439833268.990613644]: /rgb_caminfo_in -> /cam3d/rgb/camera_info [ INFO] [1439833268.990649715]: /rgb_caminfo_out -> /cam3d_throttled/rgb/camera_info [ INFO] [1439833268.990684661]: /rgb_cloud_in -> /cam3d/depth_registered/points [ INFO] [1439833268.990720503]: /rgb_cloud_out -> /cam3d_throttled/depth_registered/points [ INFO] [1439833268.990760939]: /rgb_image_in -> /cam3d/rgb/image_color [ INFO] [1439833268.990795555]: /rgb_image_out -> /cam3d_throttled/rgb/image_color process[relayboard/relayboard_node-42]: started with pid [3607] process[gazebo_topics-43]: started with pid [3639] process[fake_diagnostics_1_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6460195751393873566-44]: started with pid [3667] process[fake_diagnostics_2_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_5042402176341253436-45]: started with pid [3673] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833271.573236] [6.789000] fake diagnostics for laser_front running listening to /scan_front [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833272.084426] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for laser_rear running listening to /scan_rear process[fake_diagnostics_3_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_306590554169865777-46]: started with pid [3727] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833272.753919] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for laser_top running listening to /scan_top process[fake_diagnostics_4_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6007515498775655099-47]: started with pid [3757] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833273.043603] [7.142000] gazebo_topics running [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833273.581123] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for /stereo/left/color_camera running listening to /stereo/left/image_raw process[fake_diagnostics_5_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6511378542821910101-48]: started with pid [3788] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833274.171808] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for /stereo/right/color_camera running listening to /stereo/right/image_raw process[fake_diagnostics_6_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3570609751587185811-49]: started with pid [3819] process[fake_diagnostics_7_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_1731199736075799687-50]: started with pid [3827] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833275.104367] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for joy running listening to /joy_usage [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833275.595508] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for pc1 CPU Usage running listening to /pc1_usage process[fake_diagnostics_8_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3525092982419577366-51]: started with pid [3880] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833276.173471] [7.769000] fake diagnostics for pc2 CPU Usage running listening to /pc2_usage process[fake_diagnostics_9_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_175561739850630372-52]: started with pid [3907] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833276.722730] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for pc3 CPU Usage running listening to /pc3_usage process[fake_diagnostics_10_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_3941014138114605440-53]: started with pid [3947] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833277.489305] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for Wifi Status (ddwrt) running listening to /wifi_status process[fake_diagnostics_11_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_1107162076869796497-54]: started with pid [3981] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833278.115581] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for base_controller running listening to /base/joint_states process[fake_diagnostics_12_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6698137789640055230-55]: started with pid [4012] process[fake_diagnostics_13_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_7619973164608648128-56]: started with pid [4022] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833278.901486] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for torso_controller running listening to /torso/joint_states [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833279.459127] [8.297000] fake diagnostics for tray_controller running listening to /tray/joint_states process[fake_diagnostics_14_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6056026030110910228-57]: started with pid [4074] process[fake_diagnostics_15_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_8750817625441987613-58]: started with pid [4094] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833280.302945] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for head_controller running listening to /head/joint_states [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833280.892245] [0.000000] fake diagnostics for arm_controller running listening to /arm/joint_states process[fake_diagnostics_16_xiao_VPCCA1S1E_635_6781473151218065481-59]: started with pid [4134] [INFO] [WallTime: 1439833281.454551] [8.653000] fake diagnostics for gripper_controller running listening to /gripper/joint_states //------------ Warnung D ------------ [ WARN] [1439833286.571222156, 10.010000000]: Footprint Observer: Transformation for /pg70_finger_left_joint not available! Frame /pg70_finger_left_joint not considered in adjusted footprint! [ WARN] [1439833320.578859733, 20.040000000]: Footprint Observer: Transformation for /pg70_finger_left_joint not available! Frame /pg70_finger_left_joint not considered in adjusted footprint! [ WARN] [1439833351.876090365, 30.074000000]: Footprint Observer: Transformation for /pg70_finger_left_joint not available! Frame /pg70_finger_left_joint not considered in adjusted footprint! Warning [Publisher.cc:134] Queue limit reached for topic /gazebo/default/physics/contacts, deleting message. This warning is printed only once.

2.) Ferner möchte ich in der Simulation ,,/cam3d/depth_registered/points" verwenden. Nachdem ich die robot.launch Simulation gestartet habe, kann ich den Topic über ,,rostopic list" sehen. Jedoch bekomme ich keine Daten über rviz - Image, weshalb dort auch nicht die ,,/cam3d/depth_registered/points" angezeigt wird. Am Hardware-Roboter kann ich den Tiefenbildtreiber über ,,rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure" unter der dem Reiter ,,Drivers" starten. In Gazebo gibt es die Option nicht. Wie starte ich den Treiber auf der Simulationsebene?

3.) Des Weiteren möchte ich die PG70 Greifer in Moveit! integrieren. Ich habe Ihre srdf Datei analysiert und möchte von Ihnen gerne wissen, wie man die Greifer am Schunkarm in Moveit! Setupassistenten dranhängen kann. PS: Ich habe Ihre noch zusätzlich diese Warnung: Could not identify parent group for end-effector 'arm'.

4.) Die Greifer PG70 sind schief. Siehe Link: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4082/zrxzxqua_png.htm Wie behebe ich das?

Über eine Antwort würde ich mich freuen. MfG.

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

I'll answer in English for other to be able to find this response useful:

//------- Fehler A ----------- ERROR: parameter [/objects] is not set

This is not an error actually. It comes from this line. This makes sure any parameter value from previous runs are deleted (i.e. if you did not shutdown the roscore for example)

//------- Fehler B ----------- ERROR: parameter [/diagnostic_aggregator/diagnostic_aggregator] is not set

Same as above, coming form this line

//------------ Warnung A ------------ [ WARN] [1439833261.478869300]: Parameter 'marker_frame' is missing. Using default Value: /base_link

This is not to bad either, it tells you that there is a parameter not set (but it has a meaningful default). It is used by cob_light (see here) to visualize the current color of the LED as a visualization_msgs::Marker in rviz. See the config file for cob4-2 and modify if desired in the config file for cob3-9

//------------ Warnung B ------------ [ WARN] [1439833261.548182269]: Serial connection on /dev/ttyLed failed.

This is due a parameter not being set (see here). This is because we use the same config file for simulation and real hardware....I confess this is not ideal....I'll see what I can do

//------------ Warnung D ------------ [ WARN] [1439833286.571222156, 10.010000000]: Footprint Observer: Transformation for /pg70_finger_left_joint not available! Frame /pg70_finger_left_joint not considered in adjusted footprint!

Something seems to be wrong with the controller configuration of the PG70 gripper and/or the mimic joint in the pg70 urdf.

Could you try to add joint_names: [pg70_finger_left_joint, pg70_finger_right_joint] to the config file and see whether that helps? If not please compare pg70 to sdh (config and urdf)

I guess this is also the reason, why the pg70 appears weird in gazebo...it just does not get a proper joint_command/joint_state

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

As to your second question related to /cam3d/depth_registered/points, I guess you see the topic because another node subscribes to it. Can you verify that by typing:

rostopic info /cam3d/depth_registered/points

According to the gazebo plugin for the kinect, it should publish to this topic. Do you find any other topics with depth_registered in rostopic list | grep depth_registered? Maybe the topic got a wrong namespace?

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

As to adding the pg70 to the cob_moveit_config, have a look at the robot.srdf of cob4-2. You might need to add something like this to the robot.srdf of cob3-9.

However, you should make sure, you get the pg70 to work correctly, before you do this. Also, you might want to re-compute the self-collision matrix in the Moveit! SetupAssistant

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

@xwhm I solved most of the problems already in the following PRs:

xwhm commented 9 years ago

//------------ Warnung D ------------ [ WARN] [1439833286.571222156, 10.010000000]: Footprint Observer: Transformation for /pg70_finger_left_joint not available! Frame /pg70_finger_left_joint not considered in adjusted footprint!

Something seems to be wrong with the controller configuration of the PG70 gripper and/or the mimic joint in the pg70 urdf. Could you try to add joint_names: [pg70_finger_left_joint, pg70_finger_right_joint] to the config file and see whether that helps?

I use the IPA package from here: https://github.com/ipa320/cob_robots/tree/indigo_dev/cob_hardware_config/cob3-9/config and just added ,,joint_names: [pg70_finger_left_joint, pg70_finger_right_joint]" in gripper_controller.yaml - doesn't fixed the problem. But actually the original parameter from the link above are just for the pg70_finger_left_joint. How should I add the right one correctly? I mean there are other config files that works with just pg70_finger_left_joint should I modify all of them?

If not please compare pg70 to sdh (config and urdf)

I've checked the pg70.urdf.xacro and how to fixed it to the schunk_pg70_palm_joint and here for example https://github.com/ipa320/schunk_modular_robotics/blob/indigo_dev/schunk_description/urdf/pg70/pg70.urdf.xacro#L44 in y axis should not be a zero (same for right joint). But that is just my personal opinion. Is that correct?

I guess this is also the reason, why the pg70 appears weird in gazebo...it just does not get a proper joint_command/joint_state

I also think so. Indeed I had just clone the packages from IPA320 github and there are already these issues. Do you have a full functional Gazebo cob3-9 model, if you download the packages at IPA320 github? If you do, can you send it to me?

As to your second question related to /cam3d/depth_registered/points, I guess you see the topic because another node subscribes to it. Can you verify that by typing: rostopic info /cam3d/depth_registered/points According to the gazebo plugin for the kinect, it should publish to this topic. Do you find any other topics with depth_registered in rostopic list | grep depth_registered? Maybe the topic got a wrong namespace?

After starting started cob_bringup_sim :

$ rostopic info /cam3d/depth_registered/points Output: Type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Publishers:

$rostopic list | grep depth_registered Output: /cam3d/depth_registered/camera_info /cam3d/depth_registered/points /cam3d_throttled/depth_registered/points

I need ,,/cam3d/depth_registered/points'' in rviz but it isn't there. If there is a false namespace where can I modify the file?

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

As I wrote above:

I already fixed the problem with the pg70. There were adjustments required in cob_robots and schunk_modular_robotics. The PullRequests have been send and are currently reviewed. If you want to test them, you need to pull the according branches from my (i.e. ipa-fxm) forks of cob_robots and schunk_modular_robotics.

As to the cam3d: I need to investigate that a bit further

xwhm commented 9 years ago

I edited the files about the gripper that you posed above. There are just changes in the color but the grippers are in the same position. Do you guys have another idea? I solved the problem with the /cam3d/depth_registered/points - but I also need the topic /cam3d/depth_registered/image_raw but actually it is also just in the real robot and not in gazebo. How to start it?

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

Again, the problem has been fixed in the above mentioned PRs to schunk_modular_robotics and cob_robots. Ì just merged the last missing PR into ipa320 cob_robots indigo_dev branch. Thus, if you undo your local changes and pull again from those two repositories, the PG70 gripper should be working fine...

As to the topic for the cam3d: Topic names are specified within the gazebo plugin in the URDF of the sensor (see here). You could either change the names there or use a remap within your conumer node's launch file.

fmessmer commented 9 years ago

All fixes have been merged and will soon be available from debs after next sync. Can this be closed? @xwhm

fmessmer commented 9 years ago
