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Error when launching both lwa4d robot.launch and pg70 robot.launch #78

Open NikosMavrakis opened 7 years ago

NikosMavrakis commented 7 years ago


I am setting up a Schunk Lwa4D robot with a PG70 gripper. I am using:

When I launch each component individually, I am able to initialize and move them without problem. If I launch both robot.launch files, I am able to initialize both drivers and also move the LWA4D arm without problem. Nevertheless, when I try to move the PG70 gripper (either by dashboard, move_lin.py script or ROS topic command), the griper executes a jerky motion, stops, and gives me the following EMCY error:

EMCY: 8C#128621D680828247

I searched a bit and I found that this may seem that the gripper attempts to reach a position off its limits (not sure at all about that last statement). I need to also say that both components share the same CAN bus (The LWA CAN socket on the robot) in the can0 port with 500K bitrate. I am not sure whether they need to share different buses when initialized together.

I suspect that there might be a conflict between the canopen nodes or the controller switchers of both components leading to commands that were to be sent for LWA4D to actually be sent to PG70, hence the "out of limits" error. I have little experience with CAN devices, so I may be completely wrong about that. Would it be possible to help me with that? Thank you in advance!

changzhengwu commented 6 years ago

@nikmayr Have you meet the pronblem ?

rosservice call /gripper/driver/init 
success: False
message: could not reset node '1'
Ghost-CBC commented 6 years ago

@nikmayr Dear nikmayr, I am new to Lwa4d as well as ROS, I have been trying to move my real lwa4d with ROS(indigo devel). I have already installed usbcan driver and download needed package, but I don't know run(launch) which nodes to initialize driver and how I can move my arm with moveit (i can't find detail tutorials in ROS wiki). I want to know if you can introduce me some more detail tutorials. My email is 1240862258@qq.com Thank you in advance !

Ghost-CBC commented 6 years ago

@changzhengwu I received your emial, thank you very much.