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Governance Guru (Bonus prize): Best use of IPFS or Filecoin for DAO Tooling #4

Closed lksbrssr closed 2 years ago

lksbrssr commented 2 years ago

Governance Guru: Best use of IPFS or Filecoin for DAO Tooling (Bonus Prize)

Prize Bounties

1 x 1,500 USD paid in FIL and outside of Gitcoin.

Challenge Description

We look for submissions that use IPFS or Filecoin-related technologies to build solutions that empower DAOs.

Submission Requirements

This is a bonus bounty, which means that participants must meet the submissions requirements of the “Storage Wizard” bounty first in order to be considered for this prize as well. A team can apply to a maximum of two bounties, with one being the "Storage Wizard" bounty. A team may be eligible to win one or both bounties, subject to decision of the judges.

Judging Criteria

Our judges grade submissions across five equally-weighted categories: 1) Design, 2) Novelty/Originality, 3) Technical Accomplishment, 4) Potential Impact, 5) Creativity/Fun. Submissions will be rated with decimal numbers between 1 (worst) - 5 (best) per category (max score: 25) by each judge. The final score is the average of all voting judges. If a project scores low, we reserve the right not to award prizes, even if it was the only project submitted to a given track.

Any winners will be notified after the event is over with specific instructions (including but not limited to filling out the necessary tax information) on how to claim their prize. Failure to provide the appropriate information within the timeframe specified in the winner notification message could mean delayed payment or claim rejection.

Winner Announcement Date

Winners will be announced after the end of the 2022 Gitcoin L2 Rollathon.


gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1500.7504 USD (1500.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 51 minutes from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) singulart has started work.

A script that monitors finalized governance proposals inside Joystream DAO and creates a copy of their respective discussion threads in IPFS. 2) cryptotwilight has started work.

DAO Atheneum is a project that has been built to enable DAOs to easily upload, store and control access to media that they may produce or publish 3) vintageplayer has started work.

End-to-end encrypted, decentralized, wallet-to-wallet messaging platforms, storing messages on IFPA. DAOs can use it to send messages to their community without worrying about which timezone they are in. More focused communication, whether for internal work, or support, or to have team discussions can be done using this. 4) adityachakra16 has started work.

Recently, Eric Weyl, Puja Ohlhaver and Vitalik published a paper called 'Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul'. In this paper, they talk about a concept of Soulbound tokens (essentially non-transferrable and optionally revokable NFTs) that can be used to build reputation and legitimacy, solve sybil resistance, represent DAO membership, prevent governance attacks among many other use cases. In this hackathon, we have built out an initial version of Soulbound tokens and shown how it can be used to build a DAO contributor's on-chain resume. This is built in a composable manner such that DAOs can use a contributor's on-chain resume for anything from memberships to governance rights. IPFS is being used to store metadata related to the on-chain resume. 5) rblockchaindeveloper has started work.

A gamified onboarding tool for DAOs in the form of quest chains 🤘

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1500.75 USD (1500.45 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

  1. @drexter-07
  2. @singulart
  3. @vintageplayer
  4. @adityachakra16
  5. @rblockchaindeveloper
  6. @cryptotwilight

@protocol-labs please take a look at the submitted work:

protocol-labs commented 2 years ago

Winner Announcement

A huge thank you to all the contributors! We had a great time evaluating what you built and hope that many of you will continue building on your projects :)

The Winner for Governance Guru Bonus Prize is:

DAO Atheneum

The winner has been notified via email. Please look for emails from prizes@protocol.ai. Please respond with any queries directly there.

We'd love to have you continue to participate in the community:

  1. Join the IPFS Discord and the Filecoin Slack (bridged to Discord)

  2. Subscribe to the IPFS and Filecoin builders newsletter to learn about future events

  3. Add more features to your hack and get $5-50k more in FIL by applying to our Next Step Microgrants

  4. Take your hack to the next level and apply for the Filecoin LongHash Ventures Accelerator, Techstars Accelerator or Tachyon Accelerator program

  5. Tell us about your experience developing with IPFS/Filecoin in this VERY short survey

Thank you! Filecoin & IPFS Hackathons team