ipfs-examples / helia-examples

How to do most anything with your Helia node
64 stars 58 forks source link

IPFS Website Gateway, Universal and Hosted from a trusted Authority. #280

Open thelamer opened 5 months ago

thelamer commented 5 months ago

You have created this great thing so why not just use github pages or block storage somewhere to make a simple landing where people can paste a CID in and browse an IPFS website. Looking at the current state of the project public gateways should basically be dead yet no one has taken this step to build this example.

Am I missing something simple here?

I can't be alone in not trusting remote gateways for Dapps and running it in the browser resolves that. Literally just a text input box with a launch button where you can paste in CIDs like uniswap (bafybeicug7zwouvztzcfjasynspfg7kjt76w4pg5m6lsj3iez6d3wbmvf4)