ipfs-inactive / 2016-IPFS-Workshop-Lisbon

[ARCHIVED] Repo for the 2016 Q3 Workshop, in Lisbon and remote
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Pubsub notes #17

Open nicola opened 8 years ago

nicola commented 8 years ago


Different designs

Need to design Interface

PubSub means

Lit. review

Action points:

cc @haadcode, @jbenet, @diasdavid

haadcode commented 8 years ago

Notes: https://pad.riseup.net/p/WFWEeLCiLinx

nicola commented 8 years ago

Snapshot from Etherpad

Collaborative systems (chat, editors, live streaming) - @haadcode

Collaborative News Feeds/Boards (Reddit, News sites and so on)

Listening on IPNS updates (@nicola)

Virtual reality (games)

Creat shared multiplayer environments, potentially thousands of users. Similar requirements to chat, but events are more frequent and smaller

Analyitcs service

gavinmcdermott commented 8 years ago

Speaking of papers and the above-referenced issue, here's a link to the pdf that reviews pub/sub systems.

Also, (aside from the livestream) did anyone manage to capture video of this discussion?

elimisteve commented 7 years ago

@gavinmcdermott I, too, am curious about a video of the discussion

fubar-1 commented 7 years ago

I'm interested in watching the discussion video as well

Has any thought been given to the issue of ethereal vs. persistent in the context of collaboration via pub-sub on IPFS? I.e. is it efficient to capture every fine-grain update from every node into the merkle tree just to enable collaboration? From a distributed data model state transition (i.e. collaboration) perspective, this seems sub-optimal for highly dynamic data.

The holy grail is a unified interface to a local/remote model, allowing an app to deal with data in a way that's abstracted from locality. The key seems to be to enable triggering serialization of ethereal to persistent at appropriate times. I.e. application accesses data in a local paradigm, PubSub syncs updates in an optimal (ethereal --> networked p2p but non-persistent) way, then at some point the 'transaction is committed' which triggers serialization of current state down to IPFS.

A key thing here is a collaborative proxy interface exposed to app layer needs to be async and type aware. Something similar to this https://github.com/tycho01/proxy-dsl

Hope this is constructive & makes sense. Let me know if not welcome.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

@Dave--G Good points. Might be good to raise those issues here, https://github.com/libp2p/pubsub, though, as this issue is largely just for the notes for this event.