ipfs-inactive / archives

[ARCHIVED] Repo to coordinate archival efforts with IPFS
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dat #13

Open davidar opened 9 years ago

davidar commented 9 years ago


Should be able to use dat to add datasets to ipfs soon. See http://kevinchai.net/datasets for ideas.

mafintosh: you just need to wrap ipfs in a blob store interface, https://github.com/maxogden/abstract-blob-store and you'll be able to use ipfs inside dat for file data davidar: ah, so not quite there yet? davidar: in terms of working out-of-the-box mafintosh: no but as soon as there are good js bindings for ipfs that'll probably happen pretty fast which they are already working on

CC: @mafintosh

whyrusleeping commented 9 years ago


jbenet commented 8 years ago



@mafintosh i am interested in replicating dats in IPFS. can you point me to a way to stream out and in the entire dat dags? (pref in json)